Sunday, April 13, 2014


You can see my kitchen backdoor in this picture. It's framed in the white metal toward the back. I know this picture is a mess due to the horribly run-down, battered deck but it's only here right now to give a sneak peek of the already constructed cover that has gone up. As you can see it spans the entire length of the already existing area of disintegrating wood underneath. I checked out the sun patterns during the day yesterday. It provides enough shade to, well, it provides an enormous amount of shade all day long.

So, wonderful. A new cover. It's great. I am really impressed with how well it is working out. I started clearing the area and without all the extra paraphernalia it almost has the feel of a park pavilion. It seems to have grown in space. I might start renting it out for parties. Except no.

It doesn't stop here, of course. Now that there is almost all day shade, they will start ripping out the old deck. How smart of them to build the cover first. In it's place there will be a newly built, freshly constructed deck in the exact space. It should be finished around Thursday of next week. I can't wait.

What an improvement! It might not be an actual enclosed, remodeled room but you know what? It kinda is. A new room, I mean.


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