Monday, February 17, 2014

Up to me

I just finished a 5 mile run in the neighborhood.  It's Monday and I have the day off so I get to start off the week the way I want instead of the way I'm required.  I will spend a little time plotting my training for the next few weeks.  I am a week away from another 5K and three weeks away from a 10K.  I think I need to have a better plan of action in place instead of just wingin' it.

My last session with my personal trainer was last Friday.  It went rather well after all my fretting about adding more sessions.  There was no pressure to add more and, as it turns out, instead of 'breaking up badly' my trainer and I ended that part of our relationship being really good friends.  And now it's all up to me to keep at it.  But, you see, even with a trainer it was still all up to me.  I just don't have a standing Friday evening date anymore.

So, I better put together some type of training plan.  I'm feeling good but I know I need to have a plan to stick to or it will be too easy to skip today or the next.  It's not going to happen.  It's all up to me.  


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