I have been doing a really good job of not taking things too, very seriously lately. I have managed to get a lot of things done with a good amount of quality while dismissing most of the extra pondering I would do that would normally hold me up.
I do have to admit there is one constant thought I haven't been able to dispel lately that has taken up too much time in my thoughts. It's totally ridiculous and I wish I could dash it out of my head but I am anticipating an argument. I have my last session with the personal trainer at the gym on Friday (tomorrow). I am actually quite glad it is the last session. I think I've had enough one-on-one time. I've been able to meet this once a week schedule for the past 7 or 8 weeks and I've expanded my knowledge of the whole core/strength training I always knew about but always ignored. It's been a good thing for me to do for myself.
But it's time to end. Tomorrow is my last session and I am hoping to leave it at that. I'm done with the sessions I've paid for and I don't want to continue. But, I know my trainer is going to try to talk me into more sessions. It started last week with a brief discussion, so I've had a conversation in my head going on since then about how I will need to end it without getting talked back into going for more. I know there will be all these good reasons presented why I should continue. I understand those reasons, and they make sense. I am just at the point where I need to go my own way. I need to move on. The weather is going to be fabulous tomorrow where I would rather be outdoors pounding the street instead of stuck inside a gym. The trainer doesn't get that and never will.
I need to make tomorrow my last session and I will need to stay firm no matter the arguments. It really is best and I need to break away. Even so, it makes me feel a little weird since tomorrow is Valentine's Day and I've spent so much time contemplating breaking up with my trainer.
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