I have posts that I've started but didn't have time to finish that are stored up as drafts. I didn't have time to finish them and now I have to figure out if I have time to go back and do something with them. I doubt they are worth the time to bother with and I should just delete them. Just as I should probably delete this one and all the ones from the past. Don't worry. Nothing that dramatic will happen.
I'm just at that point where I have lost focus on what this is all about (again). It didn't help that at the beginning when I started, I didn't have a clear understanding of what exactly I was doing here. At the time, it seemed a good place to push me to write. And write, and write. Everyone said the more you write, the better you get and, well, I believed it.
I also threw in a lot of stuff about food and family, but then almost 2 years ago, my new grandson was born and I got very protective about saying or sharing anything about those things anymore. Good, bad, wrong, right, that is what happened. And things here became weird and boring because it went back to just writing to keep writing because you have to write and write to get better. No matter. What.
Hmmm. Now I've gone and given a history lesson when I was only wondering about draft posts that I should possibly delete. I really should get my thoughts in order!
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