Friday, October 18, 2013

No skipping

I managed another run yesterday afternoon.  Whew!  I raced home, barreled through the front door, kicked off work shoes and tugged a blouse over my head, to pull up running shorts and lace up street worn shoes.  Yes, of course, I managed a tank top, too, and headed out the door again.  Quick, make this fast, I only have so long before Selma shows up with the boys.  I need to get back to the house to take care of Mr. L and the big boy so she can make it to her accounting class on time.  Run!
 And I did.  And with the lower temperature and that extra drive I got the run in instead of skipping it.  It brings me right on track with the simple goal I have for this week.  Runs.  Just about done.
Now, the writing portion of the goals...well.  That isn't as far along as the other.  But, I am staying confident I will be able to pull it off.  Today.  It's a matter of focus and putting it in front of me.  Look.  Here.  Now.
It's simple.  Do it.  Besides, it's already Friday!


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