Tuesday, June 11, 2013

E-mail chat

Jay was off yesterday and he was expecting a plumber to come to the house and replace all the fixtures in our downstairs bathroom.  Jay hadn't charged his phone and when he realized it he e-mailed me at work.  The entries you see below is the exchange between us...not on chat, not speaking out loud, but one at a time e-mails back and forth.

Jay:  Please call Richard the plumber and tell him my phone is down and that I will be here. Get some info if you can. Do you know where my charger is??

TT: I’m in a meeting until 10.  I’ll call him after.  Didn’t you get a new charger with the new phone?  I guess you checked the area where the fruit bowl is…there is a mess in that area.

Jay:  No need to call. The new charger is at work the old one is here somewhere, I think I took it when we went out of town.

TT:  So you called the plumber from the car?  We took the new charger out of town but we brought it back…did you find it?

Jay:  No maybe both at work, tengo  hambre

TT:  Well…eat some huevos and wieeneee

--15 minutes later--

Jay:  that was good

TT:  What did you end up eating?

Jay:  sausage egg onion tomato chile tortillas, the floor is a mess

TT:  You’re not supposed to eat it off the floor.

Jay:  oh

TT:  Sounds like you can spend the time waiting on the plumber by cleaning the kitchen.  And there is a box of recycling on the deck by the grill and the recycled trash next to it is full too.

Jay:  I knew it

T:  Knew it?  Oh…and there are few items on the bathroom floor that I wasn’t sure about putting back under the sink.  You might want to clear those out.
That might keep you busy until he gets there…  ; )

--20 minutes go by--

Jay:  otra vez la Burra al maiz

TT:  Oh…you still there?  Thought you had gone off to take a nap.

Jay:  anything from the grocery store?

TT:  Kashi
Meat for sandwiches
Get another bread from the bakery…dark pumpernickel or the multi-grain.
maybe berries—if they are worth it or another pineapple
Fage yogurt - if they have something in-between the single serve and the gigantic-if not don’t get it
Can’t think of anything else…you said you needed dog food

Jay:   Plumber is done 110.00. anything else from the store?

TT:  How does it look? 
I can’t think of anything else

Jay:  New, now need to give the tube a good cleaning

TT:  WOW!  Making your own chores, now?
Wait,  what tube?

Jay:  TUB TUB, this is all a misunderstanding.

TT:  Don’t I know it.



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