Thursday, February 7, 2013

No Service

I didn't have any cable or Internet service yesterday or the night before.  I came home Tuesday and I had no Internet and the cable TV wasn't working.  I tried to reboot my modem and the cable boxes.  They didn't do what they were supposed to.  They didn't display all the numbers and odd characters they would normally show until they ultimately fixed themselves and displayed the time again.  That didn't happen.
I called the company.  I waited on hold.  I went through the automated menu of... is it this problem or that problem, choose or say 1, 2, 5, or 15, tell me again if that is what you meant, did you eat your vegetables?  Okay, maybe it didn't ask that last part but I was finally connected to a technician.  He had me reboot the equipment I had just rebooted with much failure.  He asked me to do it again when I protested because he said he was going to send some signals to it while it rebooted in order to tell what was happening so he could correct the service.
It was a lie.  I knew it was a lie.  I think he knew I knew it was a lie.
That is what they tell people that have already figured out that they have a problem with the service and have already done everything they could to correct it themselves and the company is stalling.  There are no signals.  If there were signals I would have service.  But I didn't protest again.  I waited for him to do what he had to do and stayed on script.  I didn't want to delay the fact that he knew I knew he would have to tell me a technician would need to be deployed to my house at a most inconvenient time to fix it.  And that is what he finally did.
I got out of work to meet the technician and he was very efficient and short.  I don't think the fact that he was short had anything to do with how well he corrected the problem but I noticed it right away.  I think with my heels on I was taller than him and that is just crazy since I am very short and he was, well, shorter.  But he didn't even have to check the equipment inside except at the very end to make sure everything was restored.  The mystery was solved.
It seems the city had come out and mowed the alleyways behind our neighborhood and managed to cut the cable wires in three places.  The very efficient and short technician replaced all the wires and reconnected them properly to give me back all the services I pay for each month. 
Not a very dramatic ending, I know.  But lately I don't know how much drama I can put up with anyway.  I thanked the technician as we made sure all the devices where doing their assigned jobs and the time was beaming out on each display box as it should.  As he left I  resisted the urge to ask him if he had eaten his vegetables.  It might not help him in the height department but, well, I couldn't see where it could hurt.  But no, I didn't say that.  I'll leave the 20 questions to the cable company.


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