I am a die-hard morning person. I get up early and start going. It doesn't matter if I am working or on vacation. There is something about that early time in the mornings that makes me want to dive in and get things started.
This morning was no different. Well, yes, let me retract. This morning was no different in that I was up and ready to get things started. The difference was that I was truly greeted by this fabulous sun. It was rising up out of the water and filling the sky. If anything could get me going in a better way I wouldn't know what that could be. It was the pinnacle of all Good Morning, Sunshine's!
Think about it. You're up, ready to rock a few miles, step out of your motel room and bam! There it is. That glorious orb of melted butter dripping down over the water and spilling across the road. What a sight. What a greeting. What a day!

People think I exaggerate when I talk about this place, my own personal paradise. I don't. Or maybe I do and it's just something that I appreciate in a way that others might not. Would it make any difference to anyone else to have the opportunity to run down this narrow road, following it's curve to the left, and then all the way down to the distant right? With all of the water and sky by your side the entire way? Maybe not. But it doesn't matter except to me. It matters to me to be able to get here and experience this again. It holds more value than I could ever try to explain.
So with my morning salute to the sun and the perfect path to follow I must say I am enjoying my time off.
I have to say that there is no better way to start the day than with a sincere, Good Morning, Sunshine!
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