What I found interesting was that I actually went out and captured a visual of what page it would look like I was on with my writing back then. (The upper portions of the pages is the demonstration of how much I had written.) The first is the original photo from that post (with the old text on my header). But I also took another photo today (with that original picture in the background) of where I am today and what page that would look like.
It almost looks like I flipped the same book over (I didn't - by the same calculation from the original post - that is where I would be).
I had only just begun writing (or so it seems) in the first photo and the current photo below looks like I should hurry up and finish. Which I should.
The original post was called Pages from June 8, 2010.
Oh course, the visual just wouldn't be the same if this was on an eBook. Right.
Maybe it would be better if I stopped distracting myself with visuals and got down to writing instead.
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