I am also trying to see if I like my new iPod 6th generation or not. I have used it the last two times I've gone out to run and this new touch screen is taking some getting used to. Yesterday instead of giving me voice audio of what mile I was on it was giving me how many calories I burned. "Half way there. 200 calories left to go." it said. Maybe that is when I started to walk on that incline. I must have gotten a frown and scratched my head. "What?" 200 calories left to go where? I wasn't trying to figure out calories...I just wanted to get past the dang incline. Do I burn more for going up the incline? (I think if it knew me better it would have said, "Not if you're walking it, dumb a$$.")
That will be the day, won't it? When my electronic device gets to know me so well it can talk to me realistically? Like...you're coming up to that incline again...don't you DARE slow down.
Well, maybe that isn't such a good idea. Or maybe it is. I'm still trying to figure out how far I have gone by calories and how well or badly I've done by these graphs of roller coasters.
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