Friday, September 20, 2019

I used to

I used to blog. I used to find time in a thoroughly busy schedule to write. It might have been a few paragraphs a day to over 3000 words over the same span of time but I actually wrote. I had proof of my writing by the many posts I published and the documents in my files.

That isn't and hasn't been the case for a while and my guess of  how long 'a while' might be is at least two years. It seems I should have more time to write since I retired as of the end of March 2017. I no longer hold a full time job. I have no alarm clock in the morning to get in a workout before sitting in  front of my computer desk for eight hours, five days a week. I have time to cook, do laundry, or write. All of my day is time off.

But I've managed to push all my writing aside. This used to be something I couldn't stop doing no matter how poor the content. It was a routine that wasn't let to go for more than a few days and never a matter of a week or months. Years without an idea pounded out was unthinkable. But here I am with nothing.

No fault. Life was harder to transition that I ever would have thought. I didn't do a good job of moving from extremely busy to having time to fill. I didn't fill it well. Or not well enough. Not well enough from a writing standpoint.

So in between all my other recent activities, I realized there was a moment that all I wanted to do was type on a page. I wanted to put some words down that were going through my head and see where it might end up. It started with a blog post because that was where I originally started with a few paragraphs a day. Then I went one step further and stopped thinking and started to write it down. Now I'm writing again. I'm not making any promises about volume or quantity but it's here.

It has to start with putting the words down on a page and not thinking about how long it's been since you did it.


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