Tuesday, July 18, 2017

Change is good

Some routines don't change.

I think I will always and forever start my day by getting up and putting on a pot of coffee. I can't tell you how long ago it started but I don't see it ending any time in the future. It's one of those things that do not change. It will stay a routine of mine. 

There are few things that will not change. Most of everything else will find it's way into some sort of altered state. Things will be modified even if it's ever so slightly until it either no longer exists or has transformed into a different way of doing it.

It's a good thing for this to happen. Change promotes us to think of variations to our routine. It helps us to make modifications to the dreary and become more creative in how we go about our daily lives. It can open the doors to find and appreciate opportunities to do things we claim we want to try. Nothing can hold us back if we are eager to make changes, however small, to find and reach out to achieve new goals.

Change is a component to spark the creative side of our own happiness. We need to be willing to cross out of our familiar to experiment with the new. It becomes an exciting way to convert our routines into the adventures we wish to find.

Well, some routine changes are good. I won't be giving up my coffee.


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