Wednesday, June 28, 2017

Tasks take time

I have started a new project and realized there is something good in knowing it will take time to finish. It isn't something I can do quickly and yet I can picture the idea of having it completed in my mind.

There is a certain amount of value from the idea that there is going to be some tedious minutes of work. There will be some monotonous tasks that will need to be performed over and again. It's going to take time but it will all add up to something creative at the end. I've got a feeling it will also contribute to a great feeling of satisfaction. The more work I put into it the more results I will have to show.

The end result will be that I finished a task that I knew wasn't going to be quick and easy. It will also result in the knowledge that I will know what I will change in future projects or how I would like to proceed from that point. I will have the experience of doing it and gained not only the task I took on but learned some really good things about it and what I would do differently along the way.

This is a new project for me. It's going to take some time to complete. I'm already enjoying the process.


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