Saturday, January 21, 2017

P, p, and p

I didn't exactly kick-start a new routine. It was slightly altered naturally by having my car in the shop for the entirety of the work week. Parts, promises, and paying utterly astonishing amounts to do about half the work was the frustrating name of the game. The routine changes were the rides I had to arrange and scheduling that needed to be done to get me from point A to point B without the aid of my own vehicle.

It's done. Well, half of it, but the important parts are done. The want-to-have-done's aren't that important and can wait until I've settled myself down and no longer feel as if I've overstepped my welcome on securing a ride.

So now I have my car back and I have the weekend. Everything is back in balance, including the checkbook. It's time to get down to some serious free time activity.


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