Thursday, December 24, 2015

'Tis the season

Christmas Eve - December 24th, 2015.

Here it is. This is when it all starts to come together. I work a half day today and when I leave here I will make one last stop to the grocery store. I have a list of all the things that need to be picked up to complete and round out our menu from Christmas dinner. That will be it.

This afternoon, depending on the time I have prior to attending the children's mass at 5:00pm, I might bake the cheesecake. If I don't do that today, it will be baked first thing tomorrow morning. Tonight after mass I will tackle homemade tamales. The pork roast is cooked and the chile sauce is ready. It will be a simple task of putting the masa and filling together and steaming them to perfection. I'm only making 5 lbs of masa so it won't be a long, drawn out process. We don't need mountains of tamales, just enough - like 5 lbs worth.

It's Christmas Eve. Let's track Santa. Let's get together and fill each other with the joy and happiness of the season. It's here.


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