Saturday, August 29, 2015

The path ahead

There are so many analogies to describe our lives. A journey, a float down a river, walking blindfolded, climbing a mountain are just a few. I'm sure everyone has felt like this at some point and sometimes we get stuck at one and decide to take up residence instead of moving along. Life isn't about staying still.

We knew this when we were kids. We were always moving, thinking about the next step. There were times when you couldn't wait to get to the next thing. Wait until I get there. But never during that time, did we sit and wait. We didn't stop moving along, taking it on.

Maybe it's a natural progression after some time during our journey, our float, our climbing, we think we have arrived. We think we need to start building camp at a site where we have stopped. We take the resources we've brought along with us and try to use them to stay still. It seems like a great idea at the time. We concentrate on doing it. We put things in order for a stay. We pay no attention to anything except trying to put things in their perfect places. But it's a shallow feeling once camp is set up. There are no perfect places and you've been sitting along the path watching things go by instead of moving along with them. All the excitement of experience is passing us by. We are not meant to sit still.

It doesn't matter where you are on your trail. It can spread so far behind us to places we can no longer see. But we aren't going in that direction. Look ahead and move along the path in front of us. If it's a mountain, take small steps and enjoy the cooler air. Soon enough, you will feel like floating and begin to trust what you cannot always see around the next turn. There will be paths that will straighten out and twist and turn but we will benefit from each well placed step. We might want to set a different pace but we need to go in those directions. We need to move along to the places we would never have traveled if we stayed still. We need to pick up wherever we are right now and look forward.

Take the next step.


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