Monday, July 27, 2015


I've had one of those weekends where I think I got a lot done but came away feeling like I didn't do enough. That's not the case because plenty was done. It only feels like the time escapes and there is the notion that with the stretch of free time it would stretch even longer than a normal day. Well, the reality is there is no extra stretch.

Jay and I spent some of yesterday upgrading our television devices to include some smart tv applications. We have been going back and forth about giving up our cable service and this would be a way to view movies and even some television shows without the outrageous cable bill. I'm still not sure about losing certain programming but then, how much am I really going to miss? And how much is too much?

Technology can take up a chunk of a day especially when it seems I've been spending a lot of time trying to figure out certain things like adding bluetooth for Jay's wireless speaker that he uses at work and switching out a DVD player for a smart tv application box. So it's all in place now and we will give it all a test drive. Maybe it will be worth that bit of free time not to mention the dropped cost of cable.


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