The weather is going back and forth. I can deal with that since we have had warmer days thrown in with the cold. I will survive the sprinkling of lower temperatures if I am rewarded with the glowing sunlight that warms my thin blood.
There was the groundhog sightings the other day. I guess the original hog, Phil, decided to see his shadow and proclaim another six weeks of cold weather. I'm not taking a lot of stock in the opinions of a groundhog. Then a day or so later I saw another report, from a hog named, Jerry. When the animal was lifted to the ear of the mayor (I guess to dispense his knowledge about weather) he bit the mayor's ear. Nothing serious, kids, but the mayor flinched and had to compose himself before proclaiming that Jerry predicted an early spring. And there we have two conflicting predictions from the best authorities around, wouldn't you say?
My money is on the biting groundhog.
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