I missed an email yesterday for a cookie order! With all the emails I get from advertisers I have to admit I wasn't paying any attention to my phone yesterday. I quickly sent a response this morning with hopes that they will still think favorably of me (the cookies) and will come back again in the future. I'm sure she found another place to fill her order by now. I'm not expecting a response but at least I acknowledged my error and hope to keep in some good standing.
I HAVE to update that site. It's either update it or take it down for a while. The sensible answer is to update it. There isn't a constant stream of orders coming in. They are very rare and far between. The problem is, if I get an order it's a drop everything and bake, package, label, and deliver...right now! With my regular full-time job, the baking is done after work and then usually I need to take time during work to deliver or pawn it off to Jay for delivery. He has helped me in the past on deliveries. It can get a little stressful since everything gets thrown into hyperdrive speed once an order comes in. Which isn't that often yet...
It's left me pondering over this for months, while I haven't done a thing about it. Make up your mind already! Pull it down or fix it. I guess I better get to fixing.
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