Now we are getting more rain. I had two more miles left of my eight mile run this morning when my tracker paused and allowed my phone call to come through.
"Hello," I said, coming to a halt and pausing on the sidewalk.
"Where are you?" asked Jay.
"I'm right at the corner before I turn back to the house." I didn't mention I was going past to make the two miles.
"Are you coming in from the rain?"
"It's not raining."
It wasn't. Well, it was wet and there were sort-of drizzle coming down but I was already sweaty and it felt good. All that fresh air and all. And I reassured Jay with what seemed logical to me so he wouldn't worry.
"I've got my phone in a ziploc bag."
I don't think he was worried about the phone. But I finished my eight miles just when the drizzle was turning a little harder and before Jay left for work. Everything is nice and dry now. Except for outside where it is very wet and raining quite nicely. Not just drizzle but rain. And I'm home. Inside. All done.
Eight miles. Check.
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