It says top, middle center: GOAL COMPLETED
This is the display I received after my run this morning. It's the goal I set to run 88 miles in August on my Nike+ application. It it saying I already completed the goal but I haven't.
Above is the total for my month of August including this mornings run. I'm not sure how 85.7 miles equals 88 miles. It is even displaying the kilometers in the goal (137.93406677246094 = 85.7) so it knows I haven't hit 88 miles yet. So, what is going on? I get extra credit? For what...I'm at a loss. Is it for showing up?
In any case, I'll hit my accurate mark this month even if the program goal can't keep up with me. In fact, I'll go beyond my mark before the month is over. I guess it's a good way to keep motivation going. Look! You've hit your mark and there is still time! Keep coming back to the site! Maybe. shrug. Could be. Possibly. Did they not think a runner could do simple math? Ah well, I guess I should take whatever I can get if it's in my favor. Maybe they just want me to Go for more. How could I not? I've got five days left!
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