Manaña. Not today. Tomorrow.
Let's roll up the end of July and get started on August. Goodbye, adios, see 'ya. I'll mark up another goal for the month - tomorrow. Today is just a bonus day. A 'free' day, a do what you can but not more than you need to-do day. Why not? It seems like an extra day. It seems it should be Friday to end the week but it isn't. It seems the month should have ended but it didn't. An extra day.
It still is a day for the regular routine but it seems it should be turned on it's head in some way. How to use it the same way but find something different to do with it. But what? Keep an open mind and it will come. Keep a smile on your face and people will wonder. That alone is worth an extra day. GIve yourself a chance to wonder today about anything that might come up. No decisions, no plans, no promises but only thoughts that make you smile. There will be time for plotting and strategies later.
Manaña. Not today. Tomorrow.
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