I've done it again. I re-read what I previously wrote and I don't think there is any conceivable way that anyone would have any idea what I might have been talking or eluding to in my last post. That seems to be the flavor of the day, at least recently. I've been putting down these words and after leaving them for a day or two or even a few hours, I realize there isn't much in letting a reader know what I must be trying to say. Do I have a clue what I'm trying to say or just running together a bunch of words and calling it a thought?
At least I'm recognizing it and even going as far as calling myself out on it. It's much like the damn walking lunges the personal trainer had me doing and I knew when my form was off. I would extend my leg too far out and I wouldn't have that nice 90 degree angle with my knee to the floor. I would know it as soon as I placed my foot and look over at the trainer to see if they saw what I did. I knew I did it wrong and the trainer finally spoke that out loud, "At least you know when you are doing it wrong."
Right. I know. I've been doing this wrong. Or I've been doing this not exactly right and I know it. You would think I'd stop doing it like that, already!
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