After my marathon of baking yesterday it didn't take me long to realized how very tired I was. It was a long day. There was a long stretch of hours where I didn't stop or let up. Actually it was two days if you count the day before when I worked a regular day and then came home and baked another three and a half hours. Tired.
But there is a difference between tired from doing and just tired. This one, now that I've had a nights rest, feels very good. I am actually feeling recharged for a change instead of lazy. If it wasn't so cold out I'd gear up to run but I will hold that thought for later in the day when the sun warms up - because I feel like it. Finally.
Dante came by to help me yesterday. I wouldn't have been able to finish all of it if he hadn't spent the time retouching my labels and printing and even going out to get me another bag of flour. By the time I was finished baking he had already started putting together my bakery boxes and organizing the five variety of cookies that were to go into each box. He was a tremendous help. And then later that evening I got a text from him asking if we could ship to Chicago because he had put it on his facebook page and well...then I got a call from my sister-in-law in another city and wanted to know when I started baking...she had seen Dante's post.
But having this chore was the best thing that could have happened. Not because I got a huge paying order but because it put me back in line. It made me face a challenge I couldn't turn away from and work hard to get it done. It made me realize I was tired but for the right reason and I can recover quickly and want to do more. The more you do the more gets done the better you feel. It's like some crazy equation designed for me.
So marathon baking - check.
What other type of marathon challenges should I be thinking about? writing, running.
I might need to work up another really good tired.