Friday, September 14, 2012

Give it some thought

I'm taking today off but I have an appointment at 10:00 across town.  It means I need to leave the house at about 9:00 to get there 15 minutes early to fill out their forms.  It doesn't leave me enough time to go out for a run.  Actually, it might if I got it in gear and hustled but then I don't want to be rushing through the morning because that is what it will turn into.  I would be hurrying through the run and then rushing to get ready in time and then I always get lost driving everywhere so that would be a problem.  And it's supposed to be a day off. 
So, with the rain we got yesterday it seems the temperatures are supposed to stay very low.  I think the predicted high is only 83.  If that is true, I can run anytime today.  And I will.  I've had thoughts of doing the half marathon again this year.  I have enough time to gear up by November.  I just can't decide if I want to officially register yet.  It seems most recently I love to run but don't run to race.
I'll give it some thought while I'm running.
8:08am - Ahhh, what the heck.  I went out and did a quick three miles anyway.  Now it's rush to get ready!!!


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