Thursday, July 19, 2012

Wake up first

I was still unconscious when I rolled out of bed this morning.  It was a routine habit and I had programmed my brain the night before to get up and head to the gym before 5:30 am.  I actually put in a sidebar that the earlier to 5:00 am that I got there the better.  It was merely an operational function.  My brain had not let my body know what was going on but it got up and started moving.
I managed to arrive and stand upright on the treadmill.  I set my iPod to some music and started up the machine.  I mechanically caught up to the belt moving underneath my feet like a gerbil inside his wheel.  I didn't have the happy smile going on that I sometimes think I see on those little rodents.  My brain was still too foggy.  I wasn't running at the nice clip I usually set when I run on the treadmill.  I had to turn it down a few notches and I still didn't feel just right but I kept it up.  I couldn't get into a rhythm and my pace was all over the place if that is even possible when you are set on a speed on a machine like that.  I'm not sure my pace was all that messed up but it seemed that way in my fuzzy-minded state.  My right leg was a little stiff and felt like it needed to stretch but it was already in motion.  Then it woke up just enough to start whining.  "Wait a minute.  Where are we?"
I kept prodding along.  I wasn't going that fast and the kinks should work themselves out soon enough.  But the leg persisted.  "Are we running, already?  When did we get here?  Have I had coffee, yet?"  Whine, whine.  I only had another mile to go and just a few more minutes.  Somehow, I managed to ignore the leg long enough to run 3.5 miles instead of the usual 3 miles I do at the gym, early in the mornings on weekdays, when I can't get out to run outdoors, fully awake.  I don't think my right leg ever woke up.  It was pretty much talking in it's sleep and probably thought the whole workout was just a bad dream.  Come to think of it.  I might have been asleep that entire workout, too.
Wait a minute.  Have I had coffee yet?


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