Monday, January 16, 2012

Is vacation creeping in?

Leave it to me.  Sure.  Always dependable me.  At least that is what I am sarcastically saying to myself right now.  Sure enough, I've gotten this vacation thing figured out.  Okay - I've gotten the first half of the day vacation thing figured out,.  So what do I want to do?  Oh come on, you know, right?  I'm thinking today I want to change it up?  Oh, course!  They have gone and left me to make my own rules about this so what else would you expect me to do. 
First of all I slept really late this morning.  I thought I was ready to get up at my normal time but then fell right back to sleep - for another two hours!  What was that all about?  I did get up (finally) and still put on the coffee and checked my e-mails.  I got a note from the Bissell vacuum cleaner company saying to keep my new years resolution of having a clearer house.  Ah, come on, guys.  That wasn't a new years resolution! And why didn't I uncheck that box giving them permission to send me e-mails.
The thing that has me balancing on which way to go with a decision is whether or not I want to head out for a run.  That is one thing I've done and felt really good about since I've been off.  I don't know where that thought came from.  I've been so good about just going and then this morning I'm having a negotiation about it?  I'd push myself away from the laptop right now and head out except I just poured myself another cup of coffee.  I think that is the vacation talking.  But I'm not sure. 
Do you think this vacation thing is starting to creep in?  Sleep late, sip coffee, read spam e-mail and put off exercise?  I'm actually frowning looking over that last sentence.  I don't know if I can do it like this.  I slept late so I shouldn't be tired.  If I head out now it will be later than the past few days and maybe I'll get the hang of vacation for the rest of the day.  Sure.  Okay.  Whatever she said.
Maybe Bissell will send me another e-mail I can catch up on. 


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