There isn't anything much better than reaching a goal. There is something very special in that feeling of capturing an accomplishment and getting it done. When you start out you put something out there that you think you might have the capacity to do but there is always the knowledge that there might be factors that come into play that might prevent you from getting to that destination. Sometimes you have no control over those factors and sometimes you break through no matter what.
With only 10 miles left to accomplish my goal of running 75 total miles in January I ran 6 miles yesterday. That left me with 4 miles to run before the end of this month. I went to the gym early this morning (no way I was running was in the upper 30's)! and I was standing at the door while they unlocked it to open. I was fully determined to knock off my 4 miles and head home since I have all kinds of things going on today. (I really want to write today but don't know if I'll get the chance - drat those nasty factors coming into play).
I didn't waste any time and was literally off and running. And I kept running. And I felt really strong and I kept on. Four miles came and went and I was still hoofing it. Four and a half, five, six. Okay, it was seven miles when I finally stopped.
Needless to say, I got my 75 miles in for the month of January. Actually it's 78 with two days left. So I'm thinking...wait, shouldn't I leave it alone since I will be trying for another goal in February and it's a shorter month? But 5 more miles this month would put me at 83 which is about what I would need each month to have 1000 miles by the end of the year.
Dash the thought! What am I thinking! I will just say I know it's there but not an absolute...not now, not yet. There might be too many of those factors that come into play over that extended period of time.
I will just appreciate that special feeling I have now for reaching my goal. No need to embellish it at the moment. It feels good and there's nothing better.
Sunday, January 29, 2012
Saturday, January 28, 2012
Ten more
I'm ten miles away from my goal this month of running a total of 75 miles. It isn't that big a distance - the 10 miles. I've managed really well considering that in the middle of the month, on January 12, I only had 12.5 miles. That was the day I went on vacation and that was the day I decided I needed to put this year back in order as far as my running was concerned.
I started on my first day off and went down a path that took me to easy, fun, and solid runs. Did I go to the gym for some of those? Yes, I did. I fit it into that schedule without a hitch. The work-outs flowed and I managed quite well. I ran seven consecutive days and a total of nine workouts for the time I was off and I completed an additional 41 miles to add to the 12.5. This past week of going back to work has proven to be more of a struggle. I took more days off from runs than I originally planned. I ran at the gym once and then on Thursday the weather opened it's secret door and let me in to run outdoors. I set my sensor for a four-miler and once I hit that mark, with the outside temperatures and brilliant sunshine, I just couldn't stop. I took off and ran until I was just over six miles...a 10K if you will. So great! That is where I am now. I have the time to put in 10 miles to hit my goal for the month. It's just that my motivation keeps taking a roller coaster ride that seems to be affected by this weather lately. It goes from gloriously beautiful to downright dreary with each day. I need to keep reminding myself that my choices are to go to the gym or run outside and not if I don't run outside, I don't run at all.
Another pothole in my mind along the way is that I can't seem to go longer distances on the treadmill at the gym or have inspired runs like I did last Thursday. But the gym can keep me consistent so I have to admit that positive and the added miles adds another layer to that foundation I am building.
So it seems I might have to drag myself to the gym this morning with the weather misbehaving yet again. I have ten miles to go for the month. If I get in at least 3 or 4 miles today I will feel much better than if I do zero or zero today and still have 10 to do. I need to get off my princess arse and come back feeling better than I do now. It's seems like such a hard task at the moment when I would so much rather...
Help me, Obi Wan Kenobi. You're my only hope.
Stay Strong, princess.
I started on my first day off and went down a path that took me to easy, fun, and solid runs. Did I go to the gym for some of those? Yes, I did. I fit it into that schedule without a hitch. The work-outs flowed and I managed quite well. I ran seven consecutive days and a total of nine workouts for the time I was off and I completed an additional 41 miles to add to the 12.5. This past week of going back to work has proven to be more of a struggle. I took more days off from runs than I originally planned. I ran at the gym once and then on Thursday the weather opened it's secret door and let me in to run outdoors. I set my sensor for a four-miler and once I hit that mark, with the outside temperatures and brilliant sunshine, I just couldn't stop. I took off and ran until I was just over six miles...a 10K if you will. So great! That is where I am now. I have the time to put in 10 miles to hit my goal for the month. It's just that my motivation keeps taking a roller coaster ride that seems to be affected by this weather lately. It goes from gloriously beautiful to downright dreary with each day. I need to keep reminding myself that my choices are to go to the gym or run outside and not if I don't run outside, I don't run at all.
Another pothole in my mind along the way is that I can't seem to go longer distances on the treadmill at the gym or have inspired runs like I did last Thursday. But the gym can keep me consistent so I have to admit that positive and the added miles adds another layer to that foundation I am building.
So it seems I might have to drag myself to the gym this morning with the weather misbehaving yet again. I have ten miles to go for the month. If I get in at least 3 or 4 miles today I will feel much better than if I do zero or zero today and still have 10 to do. I need to get off my princess arse and come back feeling better than I do now. It's seems like such a hard task at the moment when I would so much rather...
Help me, Obi Wan Kenobi. You're my only hope.
Stay Strong, princess.
Friday, January 27, 2012
Like me
I will occasionally visit other blogs where I will read a post from time to time. There is one that I have read in the past where it seems to me that the author has a group of friends and family that visit regularly and post comments. They do it quite frequently. I know this since I read it every so often and have noticed. I am not a member of this authors friend and family circle but I sometimes enjoy the posts she has written. I even thought the reader support was something the author might appreciate since it's always a thrill to me to think someone might have visited my space here. And I actually like comments when they appear.
Recently, I realized I had ventured into a situation and may have made the mistake of invading that authors circle. I didn't realize it at the time. When it was all over and done I had the fleeting feeling of high school. Do you know the instance I might be talking about? There is always a group of friends that are cool, pretty and popular. The group that everyone would like to be a part of and aspire to be like but can't. There seems to be no way to get close to joining but somehow at a certain point you find yourself standing in that popular, pretty, cool group. They are all talking and you are there and you make the mistake of joining in. It all seems so natural but as soon as you say anything everyone goes silent and stares at you as if there has been a horrible mistake made. A retort is answered back and you slink away from the circle knowing you've blown your chance of joining yet again. You will never be part of this if you really wanted to. You were only making conversation like everyone else. Right? Sure.
So I had read a particular post where this author had posted (what I would call) a rant about the weather. I do this all the time myself. I thought I could relate. It was on January 19, 2012. It was the same day I had gone out and sat directly in the glorious 75 degree sun after the temperatures had been around 33. It had finally warmed up! She on the other hand had posted a picture of her cell phone with the 75 degrees boldly visible as if it was appalling. She wrote..."this blog is becoming a long sarcastic complaint about the weather but...(picture of cell phone here). It's least some frost..."
She is a misplaced northerner. She thought it was too warm and should be much colder, much longer. That is when I made the fatal mistake of commenting. I said, "As strongly as you feel about the heat is how strongly I feel about the cold. I kinda understand your relationship with the weather but you have it backwards. ; )"
I didn't think anything of the comment since I thought it had been lighthearted. I had included the smiley face and all. Maybe not so much. I went back to read again a few days later and found she had replied to my comment. She said, "Yeah. I know people like you. I'm happy for you."
That is when I realized I had stepped into the inner circle when I shouldn't have. I realized the other commenters where all being sympathetic and giving the poor, poor girl soothing pats on the back and telling her how they felt for her type-of-comments about having to endure the atrocious heat.
Maybe my comment was truly out of line even if I didn't mean it to be. I was invading that guarded inner circle. I got the blank stares and jolting retort I deserved. I'll not be visiting the site anytime soon. I mean really.
Ouch. People like me.
Recently, I realized I had ventured into a situation and may have made the mistake of invading that authors circle. I didn't realize it at the time. When it was all over and done I had the fleeting feeling of high school. Do you know the instance I might be talking about? There is always a group of friends that are cool, pretty and popular. The group that everyone would like to be a part of and aspire to be like but can't. There seems to be no way to get close to joining but somehow at a certain point you find yourself standing in that popular, pretty, cool group. They are all talking and you are there and you make the mistake of joining in. It all seems so natural but as soon as you say anything everyone goes silent and stares at you as if there has been a horrible mistake made. A retort is answered back and you slink away from the circle knowing you've blown your chance of joining yet again. You will never be part of this if you really wanted to. You were only making conversation like everyone else. Right? Sure.
So I had read a particular post where this author had posted (what I would call) a rant about the weather. I do this all the time myself. I thought I could relate. It was on January 19, 2012. It was the same day I had gone out and sat directly in the glorious 75 degree sun after the temperatures had been around 33. It had finally warmed up! She on the other hand had posted a picture of her cell phone with the 75 degrees boldly visible as if it was appalling. She wrote..."this blog is becoming a long sarcastic complaint about the weather but...(picture of cell phone here). It's least some frost..."
She is a misplaced northerner. She thought it was too warm and should be much colder, much longer. That is when I made the fatal mistake of commenting. I said, "As strongly as you feel about the heat is how strongly I feel about the cold. I kinda understand your relationship with the weather but you have it backwards. ; )"
I didn't think anything of the comment since I thought it had been lighthearted. I had included the smiley face and all. Maybe not so much. I went back to read again a few days later and found she had replied to my comment. She said, "Yeah. I know people like you. I'm happy for you."
That is when I realized I had stepped into the inner circle when I shouldn't have. I realized the other commenters where all being sympathetic and giving the poor, poor girl soothing pats on the back and telling her how they felt for her type-of-comments about having to endure the atrocious heat.
Maybe my comment was truly out of line even if I didn't mean it to be. I was invading that guarded inner circle. I got the blank stares and jolting retort I deserved. I'll not be visiting the site anytime soon. I mean really.
Ouch. People like me.
Monday, January 23, 2012
Carry over
I wish there was a funny story I could tell. I wish there was something humorous that would come to mind for me to talk about. I can't recall anything at the moment that would fill that bill no matter how hard I wish.
I can say these many days of not having to work and be on a schedule has helped immensely. Maybe that is too strong a word to use. It helped a lot. I needed to get away from the routine, the schedule. I needed a chance to have time to catch up with myself because I was speeding ahead and aways a step behind. I'm not sure I caught up but I know I feel better for doing it. And that is what everything is about, isn't it? It should feel good in whatever I am doing. And somehow in finding that, I feel like I should have something light and happy to talk about because it would be fitting.
The fact is there are probably many funny stories and things to smile and chuckle about that occured during my time off. There is a story somewhere that just isn't coming to mind right now. I don't think I could feel this good if there hadn't been. And I do remember the smiles and chuckles.
The best part is even if I can't think of a specific story right now I know the feeling will carry over into the rest of my work week.
I think it worked.
I can say these many days of not having to work and be on a schedule has helped immensely. Maybe that is too strong a word to use. It helped a lot. I needed to get away from the routine, the schedule. I needed a chance to have time to catch up with myself because I was speeding ahead and aways a step behind. I'm not sure I caught up but I know I feel better for doing it. And that is what everything is about, isn't it? It should feel good in whatever I am doing. And somehow in finding that, I feel like I should have something light and happy to talk about because it would be fitting.
The fact is there are probably many funny stories and things to smile and chuckle about that occured during my time off. There is a story somewhere that just isn't coming to mind right now. I don't think I could feel this good if there hadn't been. And I do remember the smiles and chuckles.
The best part is even if I can't think of a specific story right now I know the feeling will carry over into the rest of my work week.
I think it worked.
Sunday, January 22, 2012
I had a good 7 mile run yesterday afternoon. I managed 27 miles for the week and in really good shape to come in with at least 75 miles for the month. I would have hoped for 100 but I didn't get focused early enough to make the numbers works. I'm working on it.
My focus seems to be finding it's place. I think it made it enormously easy for me since I was off of work. I really got into the free mornings that allowed me to run when I would normally be at my desk. I'll work out the details of keeping it up at another time when I go back to work tomorrow. But it isn't like I haven't done it before and now I'm feeling it flow.
Easy, breezy, beautiful. And I'm not talking a cover girl commercial.
My focus seems to be finding it's place. I think it made it enormously easy for me since I was off of work. I really got into the free mornings that allowed me to run when I would normally be at my desk. I'll work out the details of keeping it up at another time when I go back to work tomorrow. But it isn't like I haven't done it before and now I'm feeling it flow.
Easy, breezy, beautiful. And I'm not talking a cover girl commercial.
positive thinking
Saturday, January 21, 2012
I have always said this blog was a way to get me to learn how to stop editing myself. You can read about it on the "About This Blog" tab at the top of the page. Actually I had an entirely different blog prior to this one that was a story I was writing. I posted story chapters as I wrote them. That was my original tool. I figured I would write the fiction and once I posted a chapter I couldn't go back and edit it. The posted chapter had to stand as-is and I could only go forward with the story. I got pretty far on that story but then...well, then I read it at a bad moment and pulled the entire site down.
I knew I couldn't stop writing even though I didn't have a clue how to keep a blog going. I didn't think about it too long when I started but many times after. I knew a few words a day could only help me improve. And it was about getting words down without constantly editing. I thought I had come a long, long way. I thought so. Then as I was looking through a file and I found this. It's my original header from this blog.
It was a simple and accurate statement about what I was trying to do here. It lasted that way for a good long while. It said it right.
Then I had one of those moments again (except I didn't pull the entire site this time) but gave my words a second thought and the header was changed to this.
I think I realized I wasn't struggling with words as much as I had been and took that part out. I'm not sure what I was thinking about the end of that sentence. I don't think I gave up on life but probably thought it sounded stupid. (Well, of course you're gonna live life along the way- until you don't)!
So, here I am thinking I've done well with learning from the blog and curbing the editing of myself. I thought there had been a lot I have learned from doing this. But then I looked at these two examples and I have to think if I will ever stop the continual editing.
I don't think so. Probably not. I mean really.
Look at the header I have now.
I knew I couldn't stop writing even though I didn't have a clue how to keep a blog going. I didn't think about it too long when I started but many times after. I knew a few words a day could only help me improve. And it was about getting words down without constantly editing. I thought I had come a long, long way. I thought so. Then as I was looking through a file and I found this. It's my original header from this blog.
It was a simple and accurate statement about what I was trying to do here. It lasted that way for a good long while. It said it right.
Then I had one of those moments again (except I didn't pull the entire site this time) but gave my words a second thought and the header was changed to this.
I think I realized I wasn't struggling with words as much as I had been and took that part out. I'm not sure what I was thinking about the end of that sentence. I don't think I gave up on life but probably thought it sounded stupid. (Well, of course you're gonna live life along the way- until you don't)!
So, here I am thinking I've done well with learning from the blog and curbing the editing of myself. I thought there had been a lot I have learned from doing this. But then I looked at these two examples and I have to think if I will ever stop the continual editing.
I don't think so. Probably not. I mean really.
Look at the header I have now.
Friday, January 20, 2012
Side notes
I took a break from running yesterday after seven consecutive days. I hadn't really planned it that way but it turned out like that. I had to make my last (already paid-for) massage appointment even though I wasn't particularly looking forward to it. It figures that this last one would turn out really well. I don't think I was as immersed in bad attitude as last time and the girl giving me the rub down was really good. I don't know if we were supposed to or not but we talked the entire time. What is massage etiquette anyway? I thought you were supposed to be quiet and listen to that god-awful tinkling music they put on. (insert bad attitude here) It never does much to relax me since it isn't very good and I hear all the bad reproductions of sounds and dissonant notes that I guess no one else hears. Maybe I just hear music the way dogs hear that whistle or something. (resume good attitude) In any case with all the talking I never heard the awful music and was thoroughly distracted by the talking. It worked out great.
Afterward, I couldn't resist the fabulous weather and headed out to my favorite retail shopping area. I wasn't particularly looking for anything but I got there and found myself at a table outside in the sun. I sat and just felt great soaking it all up. When was the last time I got to do that? I sat as long as I wanted. I played with my new crazy phone since I can check e-mail and stuff from it. No writing - although there is a way - I just haven't read through all the instructions and this part of the day wasn't about anything more than enjoying the moment. When I did finally get up from the table I found a great pair of black pumps for 50% off and then some jeans and a top for 60% off so it really was a great afternoon.
Today, I'm waiting for the heavy fog to burn off. Temperatures are going to be great again and I'm thinking maybe it's time to take myself down and check out the greenway for a run. I've been wanting to give it a look-see and haven't quite made it yet. Today should be the perfect day to give it a try.
Beside, during our conversation, the massage therapist had great things to say about it. (end with postive attitude) What better recommendation could I get? (no, more positive) I can't wait!
Afterward, I couldn't resist the fabulous weather and headed out to my favorite retail shopping area. I wasn't particularly looking for anything but I got there and found myself at a table outside in the sun. I sat and just felt great soaking it all up. When was the last time I got to do that? I sat as long as I wanted. I played with my new crazy phone since I can check e-mail and stuff from it. No writing - although there is a way - I just haven't read through all the instructions and this part of the day wasn't about anything more than enjoying the moment. When I did finally get up from the table I found a great pair of black pumps for 50% off and then some jeans and a top for 60% off so it really was a great afternoon.
Today, I'm waiting for the heavy fog to burn off. Temperatures are going to be great again and I'm thinking maybe it's time to take myself down and check out the greenway for a run. I've been wanting to give it a look-see and haven't quite made it yet. Today should be the perfect day to give it a try.
Beside, during our conversation, the massage therapist had great things to say about it. (end with postive attitude) What better recommendation could I get? (no, more positive) I can't wait!
Wednesday, January 18, 2012
Just don't stop
settled back into the sofa and
I had been writing for a while on my fiction. I had been going right along with words going strong and then I wrote the small phrase.
They settled back into the sofa and
and what? I stopped. I re-read it. I started to feel like I had hit a bump. Was I going to trip or stumble? Was I going to fall. Would I catch myself and keep going or was I going down. Hard. Was I stopping hard? Can't think of what else to write. What are they going to do? I would have thought at the pace I had been writing I wouldn't have been having a problem. Everything had been running smoothly and then they had to settle themselves into the sofa. What the heck did they think they were doing that for? What was that all about?
Don't panic. I tried to tell myself this wasn't my stopping point. I wasn't going to leave it there. Don't be so controlling or, well, take control. Figure out what they would do next. Or make them get up off the sofa.
Or, don't wait so long. Don't think it over. Keep going. Write. and Something. I know better. it can be and Anything but put some words after it and don't let it stop me. It can be fixed later but right now make them do something after settling back into the sofa, whatever it is. Just don't panic and just don't stop.
Hmm. Okay. How about...
and I went another 300+ words. Not bad considering I would have allowed myself to stop and fret and try to figure it out instead of just, well, to keep going. And I got past it. I would have let the not knowing what to write mid-sentence thing conquer me. But I didn't. So maybe next time I can't use it as another excuse to stop. To wait. To shut down and let it go for another time.
So another good writing session. At least now I am at a real stopping point where I have written a goodly amount of total words (much, much more than 300+) and I know where I left off and can easily start again. I could even tell you what happened after they settled back into the sofa and...
I just won't tell you what they were doing right before.
I had been writing for a while on my fiction. I had been going right along with words going strong and then I wrote the small phrase.
They settled back into the sofa and
and what? I stopped. I re-read it. I started to feel like I had hit a bump. Was I going to trip or stumble? Was I going to fall. Would I catch myself and keep going or was I going down. Hard. Was I stopping hard? Can't think of what else to write. What are they going to do? I would have thought at the pace I had been writing I wouldn't have been having a problem. Everything had been running smoothly and then they had to settle themselves into the sofa. What the heck did they think they were doing that for? What was that all about?
Don't panic. I tried to tell myself this wasn't my stopping point. I wasn't going to leave it there. Don't be so controlling or, well, take control. Figure out what they would do next. Or make them get up off the sofa.
Or, don't wait so long. Don't think it over. Keep going. Write. and Something. I know better. it can be and Anything but put some words after it and don't let it stop me. It can be fixed later but right now make them do something after settling back into the sofa, whatever it is. Just don't panic and just don't stop.
Hmm. Okay. How about...
and I went another 300+ words. Not bad considering I would have allowed myself to stop and fret and try to figure it out instead of just, well, to keep going. And I got past it. I would have let the not knowing what to write mid-sentence thing conquer me. But I didn't. So maybe next time I can't use it as another excuse to stop. To wait. To shut down and let it go for another time.
So another good writing session. At least now I am at a real stopping point where I have written a goodly amount of total words (much, much more than 300+) and I know where I left off and can easily start again. I could even tell you what happened after they settled back into the sofa and...
I just won't tell you what they were doing right before.
Tuesday, January 17, 2012
Lazy leisure
I should probably go downstairs and see what I can do there. It might be more productive. I seem to have been hanging out in my office here upstairs at home instead of getting anything done. I haven't even particularly been writing - which is what I should have been doing. I seem to have been doing no more than distracting myself with looking out the window or trying to read articles. They all seem so...yeah...they all just seem so so.
It's been a very non-day. This is one of those days I feel like I should have done more but never quite did. It would normally send me a little over the edge but it's okay since it falls into the rest and leisure rule that is vacation time. And we must be all sick of hearing about vacation time so enough. Something more interesting - soon. Maybe. If I think of anything.
I think I'll go open a beer.
It's been a very non-day. This is one of those days I feel like I should have done more but never quite did. It would normally send me a little over the edge but it's okay since it falls into the rest and leisure rule that is vacation time. And we must be all sick of hearing about vacation time so enough. Something more interesting - soon. Maybe. If I think of anything.
I think I'll go open a beer.
Some work more vacation
It's still too dark to see outside my upstairs window. It's still quiet, too. The day should start rumbling with activity since the long holiday weekend is over and people are going back to their routines. It just hasn't started up yet. For them. I'm already here, done a few things and will keep going really soon.
After sleeping late yesterday I went and got a run in afterall. I wasn't sure I would but I made it and felt great. It seems the most ridiculous thing to me on those days when I feel least like going out, I feel so absolutely wonderful afterward. I think I have to remember when I am doubting or indecisive about that is to just get myself there. I don't need any fancy motivation or deep reasons as to why it is better to do it. I just need to remember to get there. Just start. No rules, expectations or goals. Just start. It works itself out from there. (And coming out of the gym there was a penny on the ground by the wheel of my car. It was heads up. Lucky day).
I also had a very productive day. I closed out all the bookkeeping for Jay's shop and even managed to get the taxes done. Whoa! Huge task. More than a few hours of work but what a relief! And it's only the middle of January when I usually drag this out until March. Not this time...not this year, not now.
I (unfortunately) need to head to the office this morning for about 10 minutes and think I will do it now when no one has arrived yet. There is a short report I need to run for a meeting this afternoon and I couldn't get my remote access to work properly even getting my help desk involved last Friday. They set up a case but it would be faster for me to just drive to work and get it done. The remote access will have to wait for later. But after that I will be on vacation again. Oh, my! That sounds so exciting again! Hey, I'm gone to get this done. I have more vacation I'm looking forward to after that!
After sleeping late yesterday I went and got a run in afterall. I wasn't sure I would but I made it and felt great. It seems the most ridiculous thing to me on those days when I feel least like going out, I feel so absolutely wonderful afterward. I think I have to remember when I am doubting or indecisive about that is to just get myself there. I don't need any fancy motivation or deep reasons as to why it is better to do it. I just need to remember to get there. Just start. No rules, expectations or goals. Just start. It works itself out from there. (And coming out of the gym there was a penny on the ground by the wheel of my car. It was heads up. Lucky day).
I also had a very productive day. I closed out all the bookkeeping for Jay's shop and even managed to get the taxes done. Whoa! Huge task. More than a few hours of work but what a relief! And it's only the middle of January when I usually drag this out until March. Not this time...not this year, not now.
I (unfortunately) need to head to the office this morning for about 10 minutes and think I will do it now when no one has arrived yet. There is a short report I need to run for a meeting this afternoon and I couldn't get my remote access to work properly even getting my help desk involved last Friday. They set up a case but it would be faster for me to just drive to work and get it done. The remote access will have to wait for later. But after that I will be on vacation again. Oh, my! That sounds so exciting again! Hey, I'm gone to get this done. I have more vacation I'm looking forward to after that!
Monday, January 16, 2012
Is vacation creeping in?
Leave it to me. Sure. Always dependable me. At least that is what I am sarcastically saying to myself right now. Sure enough, I've gotten this vacation thing figured out. Okay - I've gotten the first half of the day vacation thing figured out,. So what do I want to do? Oh come on, you know, right? I'm thinking today I want to change it up? Oh, course! They have gone and left me to make my own rules about this so what else would you expect me to do.
First of all I slept really late this morning. I thought I was ready to get up at my normal time but then fell right back to sleep - for another two hours! What was that all about? I did get up (finally) and still put on the coffee and checked my e-mails. I got a note from the Bissell vacuum cleaner company saying to keep my new years resolution of having a clearer house. Ah, come on, guys. That wasn't a new years resolution! And why didn't I uncheck that box giving them permission to send me e-mails.
The thing that has me balancing on which way to go with a decision is whether or not I want to head out for a run. That is one thing I've done and felt really good about since I've been off. I don't know where that thought came from. I've been so good about just going and then this morning I'm having a negotiation about it? I'd push myself away from the laptop right now and head out except I just poured myself another cup of coffee. I think that is the vacation talking. But I'm not sure.
Do you think this vacation thing is starting to creep in? Sleep late, sip coffee, read spam e-mail and put off exercise? I'm actually frowning looking over that last sentence. I don't know if I can do it like this. I slept late so I shouldn't be tired. If I head out now it will be later than the past few days and maybe I'll get the hang of vacation for the rest of the day. Sure. Okay. Whatever she said.
Maybe Bissell will send me another e-mail I can catch up on.
First of all I slept really late this morning. I thought I was ready to get up at my normal time but then fell right back to sleep - for another two hours! What was that all about? I did get up (finally) and still put on the coffee and checked my e-mails. I got a note from the Bissell vacuum cleaner company saying to keep my new years resolution of having a clearer house. Ah, come on, guys. That wasn't a new years resolution! And why didn't I uncheck that box giving them permission to send me e-mails.
The thing that has me balancing on which way to go with a decision is whether or not I want to head out for a run. That is one thing I've done and felt really good about since I've been off. I don't know where that thought came from. I've been so good about just going and then this morning I'm having a negotiation about it? I'd push myself away from the laptop right now and head out except I just poured myself another cup of coffee. I think that is the vacation talking. But I'm not sure.
Do you think this vacation thing is starting to creep in? Sleep late, sip coffee, read spam e-mail and put off exercise? I'm actually frowning looking over that last sentence. I don't know if I can do it like this. I slept late so I shouldn't be tired. If I head out now it will be later than the past few days and maybe I'll get the hang of vacation for the rest of the day. Sure. Okay. Whatever she said.
Maybe Bissell will send me another e-mail I can catch up on.
Saturday, January 14, 2012
Figuring out vacation time
Maybe what they say about me is really true. I don't know that I actually doubted anyone but I don't think I gave it any real thought and I didn't think it was any big deal. It turns out it might be a bit of a deal and actually be something that I really haven't been able to figure out or that I can't seem to manage the way other (normal) people might.
I don't know how to be on vacation. That's it. That's the problem. The meaning of vacation is leisure time away from work devoted to rest or pleasure. Yes. I looked it up. How am I supposed to figure out being on vacation if I don't even know what it really means so I looked it up. It turns out it's supposed to be time devoted to rest or pleasure. I'm not sure I knew that. I thought it was time to get everything done.
I can at least say that I have been off the past three days and I start each day really well. I have. I get up when I'm ready. Okay, honestly, it isn't much later than I would get up on any other day and I don't mind that I haven't turned off the alarm but, hey, I'm an early riser. What can I say? I get up, make coffee and throw on some shorts and a Tee (socks, too, because this new tile is cold). I have so enjoyed taking my time in the mornings having coffee, checking my e-mail, balancing accounts and then getting ready to run.
It's awesome. In the past three days since I have been off I have clocked 14 miles. Now that is worth the vacation all on it's own. I come home after the run, shower and have a bowl of cereal. Now I think that would qualify as relaxing. And it feels great and I could do this for an extended amount of time. I know I could. The first half of these days have been great!
In the past few days I have also read, gone to lunch, done a small amount of shopping. I've cleaned up and cooked. I've written, too (not here obviously). But it seems my afternoons start to unravel. Too much left-over time that turns into frantic time because when my direction on what I should/could or supposed to be doing gets turned around I worry about all the things I haven't done.
I was frustrated yesterday because I couldn't find the replacement belt for the vacuum cleaner and couldn't get the house in (perfect) order. It sounds absurd but I have this beautifully remodeled home that takes little care and I couldn't vacuum the new carpets. I'm spending lot's of time at home so I wanted it to be done. Some might say that vacuuming carpets doesn't fall under the definition of leisure time for rest or pleasure. But I could argue I would get an enormous amount of pleasure from having a vacuumed carpet. Then again, I don't think I would get far with that argument. So I ordered the proper belt on-line since three stores didn't have it. How's that for spending my time...getting frustrated about a busted vacuum cleaner belt.
The good part is that I have managed to figure out this vacation thing for half the day. This is only the third day and, yes, I still have eight more days to go. Eight!? Is that right?
Well, at least I have enough time to learn. The good thing is that I at least know what the objective is since I looked it up. I've got the first part of each day figured out pretty well. Hopefully, I can get the last half of each day on track with this vacation thing. It would be nice to have it all figured out soon. You know, the entire day and not just the first half so I can experience it correctly.
You know what will happen, of course, don't you? It will take me the next eight days to have it all figured out, only to have to go back to work.
Now, really, that isn't very relaxing.
I don't know how to be on vacation. That's it. That's the problem. The meaning of vacation is leisure time away from work devoted to rest or pleasure. Yes. I looked it up. How am I supposed to figure out being on vacation if I don't even know what it really means so I looked it up. It turns out it's supposed to be time devoted to rest or pleasure. I'm not sure I knew that. I thought it was time to get everything done.
I can at least say that I have been off the past three days and I start each day really well. I have. I get up when I'm ready. Okay, honestly, it isn't much later than I would get up on any other day and I don't mind that I haven't turned off the alarm but, hey, I'm an early riser. What can I say? I get up, make coffee and throw on some shorts and a Tee (socks, too, because this new tile is cold). I have so enjoyed taking my time in the mornings having coffee, checking my e-mail, balancing accounts and then getting ready to run.
It's awesome. In the past three days since I have been off I have clocked 14 miles. Now that is worth the vacation all on it's own. I come home after the run, shower and have a bowl of cereal. Now I think that would qualify as relaxing. And it feels great and I could do this for an extended amount of time. I know I could. The first half of these days have been great!
In the past few days I have also read, gone to lunch, done a small amount of shopping. I've cleaned up and cooked. I've written, too (not here obviously). But it seems my afternoons start to unravel. Too much left-over time that turns into frantic time because when my direction on what I should/could or supposed to be doing gets turned around I worry about all the things I haven't done.
I was frustrated yesterday because I couldn't find the replacement belt for the vacuum cleaner and couldn't get the house in (perfect) order. It sounds absurd but I have this beautifully remodeled home that takes little care and I couldn't vacuum the new carpets. I'm spending lot's of time at home so I wanted it to be done. Some might say that vacuuming carpets doesn't fall under the definition of leisure time for rest or pleasure. But I could argue I would get an enormous amount of pleasure from having a vacuumed carpet. Then again, I don't think I would get far with that argument. So I ordered the proper belt on-line since three stores didn't have it. How's that for spending my time...getting frustrated about a busted vacuum cleaner belt.
The good part is that I have managed to figure out this vacation thing for half the day. This is only the third day and, yes, I still have eight more days to go. Eight!? Is that right?
Well, at least I have enough time to learn. The good thing is that I at least know what the objective is since I looked it up. I've got the first part of each day figured out pretty well. Hopefully, I can get the last half of each day on track with this vacation thing. It would be nice to have it all figured out soon. You know, the entire day and not just the first half so I can experience it correctly.
You know what will happen, of course, don't you? It will take me the next eight days to have it all figured out, only to have to go back to work.
Now, really, that isn't very relaxing.
Wednesday, January 11, 2012
Delighted! Splendid!
So, I wouldn't have thought it, but I am simply delighted. At this moment in time I am feeling more than just a little good. I am feeling a buoyancy of spirit, a freeing sense, a splendid lack of responsibility. A lightness, if you will. I didn't realize I would have this feeling come over me but here it is and I can't deny it. Maybe it is because I have been so busy I didn't have time to stop and realize I had reached this moment. I didn't have time to watch the clock and count down the hours. I didn't have a moment to contemplate the possibilities of what I would feel and what I would do once I got to this moment. I think it might have worked in my favor because now I can sit back and (yes) smile, and experience these unprovoked feelings of unscheduled freedom.
I'm on vacation and I don't have a damn thing I have to do.
Isn't it splendid!
I'm on vacation and I don't have a damn thing I have to do.
Isn't it splendid!
Difficult time
I have been trying really hard to do everything I can to make it through lately. I've ignored and braved-up and thought on the positive sides and any side that would get me through what is supposed to be this temporary set back that occurs this time of year. I know I haven't allowed myself to venture into discussing it or bringing it to the forefront. I've tried and succeeded up until now to lessen it's importance or significance by not giving it any attention.
For some reason this morning I am feeling especially weak. It has caught me at a particularly low point now and is beating me up again this particular morning. I'm not sure I can keep my resolve in making it less significant. I am having a very hard time even with my sturdy mind-set and preparation for the worst.
I should probably stay my course and fling it out of my mind. I should keep up what I have been doing and ignore this consuming irritant that I have no control over. I should get past this weak moment and know that I can keep moving ahead and as time goes by it will get better and I will have gotten through this spell. It sounds all so hopeful. I should try to think that way. It was why I devised this plan of action in the first place. It's only natural that I would hit a low point during this very hard and difficult time for me.
It's 30 something degrees today with colder temperatures coming in! I don't know if I can do it.
It's hard to keep a resolve when I'm freezing to my death.
For some reason this morning I am feeling especially weak. It has caught me at a particularly low point now and is beating me up again this particular morning. I'm not sure I can keep my resolve in making it less significant. I am having a very hard time even with my sturdy mind-set and preparation for the worst.
I should probably stay my course and fling it out of my mind. I should keep up what I have been doing and ignore this consuming irritant that I have no control over. I should get past this weak moment and know that I can keep moving ahead and as time goes by it will get better and I will have gotten through this spell. It sounds all so hopeful. I should try to think that way. It was why I devised this plan of action in the first place. It's only natural that I would hit a low point during this very hard and difficult time for me.
It's 30 something degrees today with colder temperatures coming in! I don't know if I can do it.
It's hard to keep a resolve when I'm freezing to my death.
Tuesday, January 10, 2012
Vacation anxiety
I am going to say something that will probably sound utterly ridiculous and will (and should) be waved aside by anyone listening to it as nonsense. (I keep pretending there is anyone listening but no matter - I am far too good at talking to myself, anyway).
I made a decision during the holidays that I would work through and then take time off in January when everyone was back to the routine and things were working as usual. I decided I wanted to take that week of the long holiday weekend on 1/16 and use those four days afterward to combine for an entire weeks vacation. Then I decided I was really needing a break and would take the two days prior to the Monday holiday and make it an almost week and a half vacation. It wasn't like I had to worry about having the vacation time banked - it is there in quantities - huge quantities - so that is not a problem.
Now I am just a few days away from my Thursday that will start this long bit of down time and I am worried that I have nothing planned. I am having thoughts of how I will utterly waste this time and let it slip through my fingers without getting anything done. It isn't that I'm not looking forward to being off, I am. It just seems I should be making plans or agenda's or lining up things that need to be done or things I should do and I haven't. But I should. Shouldn't I?
I told you it was nonsense but it dosen't stop it from going through my head. I've been too busy at work to think about what I should do while I am off and now I guess I'll just have to get to the actual vacation time to figure it out. And now, I need to go to work anyway since I've run out of time. Maybe that is what time off is for...not being in the middle of something and having to leave it for later.
I wonder if there is a word for people that are afraid of vacation?
I made a decision during the holidays that I would work through and then take time off in January when everyone was back to the routine and things were working as usual. I decided I wanted to take that week of the long holiday weekend on 1/16 and use those four days afterward to combine for an entire weeks vacation. Then I decided I was really needing a break and would take the two days prior to the Monday holiday and make it an almost week and a half vacation. It wasn't like I had to worry about having the vacation time banked - it is there in quantities - huge quantities - so that is not a problem.
Now I am just a few days away from my Thursday that will start this long bit of down time and I am worried that I have nothing planned. I am having thoughts of how I will utterly waste this time and let it slip through my fingers without getting anything done. It isn't that I'm not looking forward to being off, I am. It just seems I should be making plans or agenda's or lining up things that need to be done or things I should do and I haven't. But I should. Shouldn't I?
I told you it was nonsense but it dosen't stop it from going through my head. I've been too busy at work to think about what I should do while I am off and now I guess I'll just have to get to the actual vacation time to figure it out. And now, I need to go to work anyway since I've run out of time. Maybe that is what time off is for...not being in the middle of something and having to leave it for later.
I wonder if there is a word for people that are afraid of vacation?
Monday, January 9, 2012
I should have just gone for a run
I've been running again. My runs lately have been mostly shorter 3 mile runs that I feel like I need to do consistently for a while to get my base foundation built up again. I did run 4.5 miles on Saturday which was great. I waited until almost 2:00 in the afternoon for the temperature to come up and it was a very nice 74 degrees by the time I headed out. The 3 miler is a route I was lucky enough to carve out in my own neighborhood that lets me make it out my front door, run a rectangle and end up back at my front door again. My 4 miler is much the same way with me going an extra block before turning. It sure makes it convenient. It sure is nice when I don't let the weather stop me.
That is what I did yesterday. I waited a little too long for the weather to straighten itself out but it got cloudy instead. I missed my opportunity to head to my now very conveniently close gym by (okay - I don't know why) but cleaning the toilets instead. I made a drastic and harmful mistake upstairs when I first dumped clorox into the bowl. I went on downstairs cleaning other things when I came upon the actual toilet bowl cleaner downstairs. Sure enough, stupid me, ran back upstairs and put some into the same bowl I had dumped the clorox. Uh-oh. You don't mix chemicals now, do you. You would think I would have known I made the mistake at that point when it bubbled and churned. Oh, no! I went ahead and started cleaning it out until I couldn't breathe. I left the room coughing but went back! Again. Stubborn to a fault. I had to get it clean. But then I realized it wasn't just fumes but BAD stuff like throat burning, can't catch my breath stuff. Flush, flush, open the window and escape.
Foolish. It's hard to run in my neighborhood or even at the conveniently close gym when your throat is burning and you can't take a deep breath without it hurting from the inside out. And the coughing doesn't help.
So I missed a run yesterday but the burning is gone and the breathing is back to normal. I haven't checked the toilet yet because Jay went up after me and closed the door and I haven't opened it yet again. Later. After I get my next run in, I think.
That is what I should have been doing in the first place.
That is what I did yesterday. I waited a little too long for the weather to straighten itself out but it got cloudy instead. I missed my opportunity to head to my now very conveniently close gym by (okay - I don't know why) but cleaning the toilets instead. I made a drastic and harmful mistake upstairs when I first dumped clorox into the bowl. I went on downstairs cleaning other things when I came upon the actual toilet bowl cleaner downstairs. Sure enough, stupid me, ran back upstairs and put some into the same bowl I had dumped the clorox. Uh-oh. You don't mix chemicals now, do you. You would think I would have known I made the mistake at that point when it bubbled and churned. Oh, no! I went ahead and started cleaning it out until I couldn't breathe. I left the room coughing but went back! Again. Stubborn to a fault. I had to get it clean. But then I realized it wasn't just fumes but BAD stuff like throat burning, can't catch my breath stuff. Flush, flush, open the window and escape.
Foolish. It's hard to run in my neighborhood or even at the conveniently close gym when your throat is burning and you can't take a deep breath without it hurting from the inside out. And the coughing doesn't help.
So I missed a run yesterday but the burning is gone and the breathing is back to normal. I haven't checked the toilet yet because Jay went up after me and closed the door and I haven't opened it yet again. Later. After I get my next run in, I think.
That is what I should have been doing in the first place.
Sunday, January 8, 2012
Home made Pasta
I thought I would go for a purely simple pasta alla carbonara. Since it wasn't only me on that New Years Eve birthday I added a New York Strip Steak to the side. That is fairly simple too if you think about it but fancy enough for a holiday meal.
Pasta Ingredients:
2 cups flour
3 eggs
Place the two cups flour in a mound on your cleaned work area and make a hole in the center. This is like you would do to your mashed potatoes to hold the gravy. Add your eggs and slight amount of salt. Use a fork to beat the eggs right there in the middle of the flour. Start incorporating the walls of the flour into the eggs until you are able to manage it into a dough.
It should form a ball of dough and then you get to roll it out. Use lots of flour so it doesn't stick.
Roll it out thin and then fold it up (make sure you keep flouring it) to make it easy to cut the strips. You can cut as you like. They can be as wide or skinny as you like.
When you unravel them they will form long strips. Then they go into a pot of boiling salted water until cooked. Fresh pasta will start to float up to the top when done but be sure to taste. Don't leave it in too'll have to check between 5-8 minutes.
That's it! Fresh home made pasta!
Then I made a simple carbonara with it which is Italian poor food. Come's bacon and eggs on pasta. Talk about stretching the food but oh, my, how delicious!
Heat some olive oil in a pan and add pancetta (yeah-that's the bacon). Let it cook about 3 minutes and add minced garlic (of course, it's Italian). Add the fresh cooked pasta directly into the saucepan from the boiling water pot. That extra liquid helps this recipe. On the side beat an egg and add it to the pasta (bacon and eggs) in the saucepan and some flat leaf parsley. Mix it all up!
What a great birthday dinner! Let's look at it one more time.
Sprinkle a little romano (I like pecorino) cheese and you are good to go!
Saturday, January 7, 2012
Remodeling done!
The remodeling project that caused so much angst was completed by the end of last year. It is splendid. The house has taken on a whole new feeling of comfort and clean, new and fresh, modern and simple. I'm loving it. I will need to get used to these new tiles being colder on my bare feet but I wouldn't change it for a second.
I finally got around to trying to put together some before and after pictures. Take a look...I would have loved to have posted a caption after each picture but blogger would not cooperate. All pictures start with the before, immediately followed by an after. Before, after...
Even the den which didn't have much remodeling except removing the ceiling texture and having the walls painted took on a new look with a new wine rack buffet table, wood blinds, artwork and pillows.
Ahhhh. It's like a new house!
I finally got around to trying to put together some before and after pictures. Take a look...I would have loved to have posted a caption after each picture but blogger would not cooperate. All pictures start with the before, immediately followed by an after. Before, after...
Driving up to the house during painting and carpet installation. |
It's all done!
And below are after pictures of the room that got the least amount of work...
Even the den which didn't have much remodeling except removing the ceiling texture and having the walls painted took on a new look with a new wine rack buffet table, wood blinds, artwork and pillows.
Ahhhh. It's like a new house!
Friday, January 6, 2012
Massage hating
I had a massage scheduled for this last Wednesday after work. Way back in October I was needing some help working out the knots on top of knots I had managed to tie in the upper back portion of my shoulders. You know the area - right at the top of the shoulders, behind your neck? It's from my all day computer work and then home again with more of the same. In any case, back in October it had gotten really bad and I went for a massage. It was a relief even though they told me I would probably need more sessions to work it all out. I thought, at the time, it would be a good idea to lock into their lower prices by purchasing some sessions in advance if I was going to return. I mean, massages are supposed to be something everyone looks forward to, right?
I did think it was beneficial at that time and I went again a month later. When this month and new year rolled around I realized I had not even thought of returning and I was going to be charged for more sessions. I still had two session I hadn't used and already paid for. I went down and cancelled my membership. (This year seems to be the year I am cancelling things - first the fancy gym, now this). They told me I had two more hour massages I could schedule before the end of this month. I thought okay and I scheduled the first for this past Wednesday.
You are supposed to look forward and feel so great after these kind of things. I don't get it. I wasn't looking forward to it. I don't think I ever relaxed during it. I had to keep reminding myself to stop tensing up and that wasn't relaxing. It went on forever. Do I really need my palms and fingers rubbed and please leave my feet alone! They did work the majority of the time on my knotted shoulders but even afterward was told they couldn't get all the knots out. kidding. They thought a hot stone treatment would heat up and loosen the muscles so the tension could be worked out better. Heat. Yes. I know, but it's damn January.
I have one more session to use up and then I'm done. I won't be looking forward to it either and I won't be using hot stones. I'll pull out my 'grandmother' heating pad and I bet that will work.
I could have used the hour for a really nice run that day instead. The weather was perfect and it would have warmed up my muscles just fine without the cost.
Boy, oh. The only person in the world that doesn't look forward to a massage.
I did think it was beneficial at that time and I went again a month later. When this month and new year rolled around I realized I had not even thought of returning and I was going to be charged for more sessions. I still had two session I hadn't used and already paid for. I went down and cancelled my membership. (This year seems to be the year I am cancelling things - first the fancy gym, now this). They told me I had two more hour massages I could schedule before the end of this month. I thought okay and I scheduled the first for this past Wednesday.
You are supposed to look forward and feel so great after these kind of things. I don't get it. I wasn't looking forward to it. I don't think I ever relaxed during it. I had to keep reminding myself to stop tensing up and that wasn't relaxing. It went on forever. Do I really need my palms and fingers rubbed and please leave my feet alone! They did work the majority of the time on my knotted shoulders but even afterward was told they couldn't get all the knots out. kidding. They thought a hot stone treatment would heat up and loosen the muscles so the tension could be worked out better. Heat. Yes. I know, but it's damn January.
I have one more session to use up and then I'm done. I won't be looking forward to it either and I won't be using hot stones. I'll pull out my 'grandmother' heating pad and I bet that will work.
I could have used the hour for a really nice run that day instead. The weather was perfect and it would have warmed up my muscles just fine without the cost.
Boy, oh. The only person in the world that doesn't look forward to a massage.
Thursday, January 5, 2012
Close to Scatterdom
Somehow this going back to work and settling into a New Years routine is starting to have a slight feel of me stepping into Scatterdom that I will travel to at times. This might be one of the few instances I actually feel myself traveling in that direction and I wonder how I might divert my path since it isn't exactly the place I would rather be. I'm not a good inhabitant of Scatterdom. It would be overwhelming for me to try to negotiate my way around the amount of organization it would take to know where everything was located there. I know I sometimes move close to the borders since so many of the things I do intersect and collide and can pile up but I have my ways of not ever taking up residence there. At least it's soothing for me to think that.
And yet, here I've been forcefully walking toward that city when I realize I might consider slowing a bit and moving away from it. How did I get here and was I so distracted I missed my turnoff?
The facts are it's great to get going again. There are many things on my mind about what I want to do and how I will get to do them. Many are not any different from what I might have already been doing but I have been revisiting the same things and finding new and more exciting ways to get them done. It has kept me happily busy. But I need to be careful about letting them all becoming so overwhelming I forget which things are important to do now and what can be done the next day. I have a hard time living with everything I can and want to do around me but not knowing where or when I will. It's not a good place for me to be. Scatterdom.
So I think it might be a good time for me to pause for just a moment and check my roadsigns. The paths are all there. Which is the best route for me to be taking?
I don't know what the hell was mixed in my coffee this morning. 5:24pm
And yet, here I've been forcefully walking toward that city when I realize I might consider slowing a bit and moving away from it. How did I get here and was I so distracted I missed my turnoff?
The facts are it's great to get going again. There are many things on my mind about what I want to do and how I will get to do them. Many are not any different from what I might have already been doing but I have been revisiting the same things and finding new and more exciting ways to get them done. It has kept me happily busy. But I need to be careful about letting them all becoming so overwhelming I forget which things are important to do now and what can be done the next day. I have a hard time living with everything I can and want to do around me but not knowing where or when I will. It's not a good place for me to be. Scatterdom.
So I think it might be a good time for me to pause for just a moment and check my roadsigns. The paths are all there. Which is the best route for me to be taking?
I don't know what the hell was mixed in my coffee this morning. 5:24pm
Tuesday, January 3, 2012
Weekend recap
There is no denying how great my long holiday weekend turned out to be. Oh, well, maybe I would be silly to think it could have been anything but great. Let me included my birthday which melted right into a holiday which turned out to be a lazy, lounging day and then, and then, added bonus! Another day off! I mean really?! It was the best I can remember in a long time!
My birthday was filled with well wishes and then lunch with Dante. I am on his Sprint phone plan and he decided it was time for us to upgrade. We spent the rest of the afternoon getting both of us new Android phones. So birthday gift to me was going from an ancient relic to an EVO 4G Android. I should listen more carefully when people tell me about these things. What could be better? The device is a mini-computer that I don't need to find a wi-fi hot spot to use! What could be better? I already knew. But it's new for me so woo-hoo!!
My birthday turns right around and becomes a New Years celebration. Dante spent the night so we made fresh pasta and steaks. We listened to music and drank Prosecco at midnight. Then we stayed up a little later...I'm such a bad girl! Sonny had traveled to visit Selma's family for the holiday to show off Mr. L so it was about 1:30am when he called me. Well, you see, I had talked to him earlier but was playing with my new phone at that late hour and kept hitting his number and ending the call when I realized it was dialing. He said, "Mom, why do you keep calling me at 1:30??" "Sorry, I was playing with the new phone." I went to bed shortly after that.
New Years Day was lazy and easy. Stayed at home all day. Made simple (but traditional) food. Ham, home-made black eyed peas and white rice. I ran a mere 2 miles to keep my hangover challenge which was to get out there and run 1 mile. Hit the sack early. I'm a year older, remember?
The bonus day was spent getting some positives done. A tiny bit of shopping, retail and grocery, to get ready for the week. Then Jay and I decided to change gyms. We cancelled our old membership with the nicer, fancier, farther away gym to the newer, just built, less expensive one that is less than a mile from our house. Less expensive, more convenience? It sounded like a no-brainer so we did it. often do I usually go to the gym when I would so rather run outdoors. Now, if I think the weather won't work on a particular day I'm only a mile away from the gym. I did miss a run that day but how can I fret when I used the extra time to spend with Dante. Another no-brainer and then as the day dwindled down, I politely excused myself from everything and I wrote.
I told you my long weekend was great.
My birthday was filled with well wishes and then lunch with Dante. I am on his Sprint phone plan and he decided it was time for us to upgrade. We spent the rest of the afternoon getting both of us new Android phones. So birthday gift to me was going from an ancient relic to an EVO 4G Android. I should listen more carefully when people tell me about these things. What could be better? The device is a mini-computer that I don't need to find a wi-fi hot spot to use! What could be better? I already knew. But it's new for me so woo-hoo!!
My birthday turns right around and becomes a New Years celebration. Dante spent the night so we made fresh pasta and steaks. We listened to music and drank Prosecco at midnight. Then we stayed up a little later...I'm such a bad girl! Sonny had traveled to visit Selma's family for the holiday to show off Mr. L so it was about 1:30am when he called me. Well, you see, I had talked to him earlier but was playing with my new phone at that late hour and kept hitting his number and ending the call when I realized it was dialing. He said, "Mom, why do you keep calling me at 1:30??" "Sorry, I was playing with the new phone." I went to bed shortly after that.
New Years Day was lazy and easy. Stayed at home all day. Made simple (but traditional) food. Ham, home-made black eyed peas and white rice. I ran a mere 2 miles to keep my hangover challenge which was to get out there and run 1 mile. Hit the sack early. I'm a year older, remember?
The bonus day was spent getting some positives done. A tiny bit of shopping, retail and grocery, to get ready for the week. Then Jay and I decided to change gyms. We cancelled our old membership with the nicer, fancier, farther away gym to the newer, just built, less expensive one that is less than a mile from our house. Less expensive, more convenience? It sounded like a no-brainer so we did it. often do I usually go to the gym when I would so rather run outdoors. Now, if I think the weather won't work on a particular day I'm only a mile away from the gym. I did miss a run that day but how can I fret when I used the extra time to spend with Dante. Another no-brainer and then as the day dwindled down, I politely excused myself from everything and I wrote.
I told you my long weekend was great.
Sunday, January 1, 2012
It is a new day of a New Year. 2012. I thought it appropriate to take a look at New Year Resolutions so I researched a few different lists. The lists I found each averaged about 10-11 items that claimed were the most popular. After comparing them, I found that these three items below appeared on all the lists. They were:
What a wonderful starting point to build all other resolutions. What a great resolve. It makes sense, doesn't it? If turning the calendar page is giving each of us a clean slate, a fresh place to start, than what a great way to build upon whatever I plan to do than enjoying it more. It's all part of life. All those long lists of challenges that are some, if not most, times abandoned after only a few months or even weeks mean nothing if I don't have the personal enthusiam to make them happen. The key to making them all work might be to figure out what will get me to enjoy it all more.
So, this year I will be considering all those resolutions and challenges I have come up with (without the help of researched lists) from the starting point of how it can become a way for me to enjoy life more.
What a great way to begin this New Year, this clean slate!
- Get Fit - lose weight, eat better, exercise
- Save Money - get out of debt, manage debt
- Quit Smoking
What a wonderful starting point to build all other resolutions. What a great resolve. It makes sense, doesn't it? If turning the calendar page is giving each of us a clean slate, a fresh place to start, than what a great way to build upon whatever I plan to do than enjoying it more. It's all part of life. All those long lists of challenges that are some, if not most, times abandoned after only a few months or even weeks mean nothing if I don't have the personal enthusiam to make them happen. The key to making them all work might be to figure out what will get me to enjoy it all more.
So, this year I will be considering all those resolutions and challenges I have come up with (without the help of researched lists) from the starting point of how it can become a way for me to enjoy life more.
What a great way to begin this New Year, this clean slate!
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