Tuesday, November 22, 2011


I bet with all the construction and re-doing of everything in the house that you think I had forgotten about Thanksgiving Day.  I haven't.  I have it orchestrated in my head.  I'm lucky with this feast since nobody will allow me to change a single menu item for this particular holiday.  Our Thanksgiving menu has remained solidly the same year after year.  The advantage to this is that I have planned, cooked up and delivered this expansive meal year after year and can do it by rote.  I can do it unconsciously ( which may prove a good thing with all that has been going on lately).
I don't have to recalculate the menu.  I've already put it together, e-mailed it to everyone and got their stamp of approval, shopped for the ingredients and will begin with baking pies on Wednesday afternoon.  The turkey itself will be stuffed early Thursday morning and put in the oven to roast.  Hopefully, after that I will have a few moments to get out of doors for a much...did I say much...needed run.  I'm truly looking forward to that.
After my run I will hit the shower, dress, and have breakfast at home with just Jay and I.  The boys and Selma will sleep in at their home and have their own breakfast fare.  I can then start prepping veggies and sides like any great sous chef with the meal coming much later in the afternoon when everyone arrives and has had a chance to open some wine and talk about, well, talk about it all.
So, you see, I haven't forgotten about Thanksgiving Day.  I have it all in my head.


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