Monday, October 10, 2011

Up ahead

It was coming down hard.  It wasn't just murky, darkly gray, constant patterings but full blown, pounding rain.  The windshield wipers were slapping as hard and fast as they could go and still couldn't keep the view of the road any clearer than a constant blur.  The trip would take longer than usual.  The weather wasn't going to give an inch.  The rain came down furiously.  It hit the outside glass as we traveled forward only making it pound harder until it refused to be wiped away and bubbled upward again and again instead of being cast aside. 
It wasn't letting up.  We drove the entire distance with only brief interludes of calm in the storm.  There wasn't even the slightest breaking of clouds until we were more than two thirds of the way to our destination.  That is when I began to see a change in the sky from a solid gray muck to a small amount of  texture.  Something was desperately trying to show through the concrete plaster that covered the sky.  It had been a fairly intense trip.  It was hard to see and wet. Driving rain had kept us in check and on alert.  We forged ahead and when we were finally only 15 miles away it started to break away.  The rain paused and the clouds made appearances where there had been nothing but gloomy monotones before.  The wipers were allowed to take a breather with only intermitten showers from stray clouds making them pulse ever so slightly.  We were almost there.  It was still gray and brief rains would smatter occasionally to make themselves known.  It could have been an attitude changing tug of war for the worse.  It could have drawn anyone down into its darken gloom.  But it didn't.  And none of it proved to dampen my positive thoughts about what we had and could encounter with the weather.
Paradise was just up ahead.


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