This is a serving bowl and four pasta bowls that caught Sonny's eye as we were browsing around my boutique stores this past Saturday. I took him and Selma into a Williams-Sonoma store to take a look-see with the intention of getting a cheese grater. We were just browsing shelves and looking at all the different displays of cookery and kitchen gadgets when he noticed it. We stopped and took a closer look. After some time and thought, with me talking to a salesperson and asking some questions, the cheese grater was left behind and I convinced Sonny to let me purchase the entire set for them. They were reluctant. They thought they were great, would fit in to what they already had going on in their kitchen by way of decor, but was too nice a set for the pieces they already had.
I thought they would fit nicely and since they liked them I thought it even better . They can be matched up with other pieces. With a little more looking and talking and then the salesperson helped...too nice? you have to start somewhere. They agreed. I purchased the set and had them hold it in the store until we were finished shopping so we could pick them up as we were leaving. And we did after an entire afternoon of looking and browsing in other stores.
I got an email yesterday from Sonny with a picture of the bowls. He was explaining that the bowls had different graphics and it made them even better than what we thought when we were in the store since we didn't look at each bowl while we were there. Each one was individual but all part of the same theme from the larger serving bowl. Good! I'm glad.
Then I got another e-mail from Sonny. He was asking why had I gotten him into this Williams-Sonoma stuff! He had found another set by the same artist that would match nicely. They had the veggie motif but also a recipe in Italian. He sent me the picture.
These are very nice, too. Sonny cooks some great batches of pasta. I thought the original set of bowls were nice when he pointed them out on Saturday and these are too.
I can't help if he went looking at their website. I can't help dragging them into Williams-Sonoma in the first place. It's not my fault I like to look and see what's the what. He took us into a jewelry store which is one I hadn't ever been in for all the times I've visited this shopping area. Sonny and Selma picked out their wedding bands (scroll down for picture) there that same day. I took them into a Williams-Sonoma which was probably a store they had never ventured into. Did I hook him up with something new or did he hook me?
It's part of what makes those memorable days of sharing things without a casual thought. Of coming across something that you didn't mean to happen but did and it turned out well because you went for it and everyone received something good they weren't expecting. The kind of experience that makes you smile longer than you might normally smile because it fills you from the inside out.
So...rings, bowls and a dress. I got a lock down on all three in one day. Oh, the dress? Well, earlier I had gone with Selma to pick up her wedding dress...that dress. All these great things in one day. I'll be smiling for a long while. And no...You get to see rings and pictures of the dress.
That gets to stay in my memory.
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