Saturday, October 23, 2010


Tell me it's not really raining this morning.  I am dressed and ready to head out for a much needed long run at the Runners haven and I think I hear rain.  The temperature is a wonderful 70 degrees and after an entire week of slacking off I was much anticipating and looking forward to this stretch of my (short) legs.  They could use some stretching this Saturday morning and now I am wondering about the rain. 
If it is anything like yesterday it will come down fairly hard.  I don't have a problem with running in the rain if I am already out and caught in it but for some reason I have a slightly harder time to actually go out into the rain to run if it already coming down.  I may need to just get over myself on that point.  Wet is wet is wet.  It doesn't matter if it happens before, middle or end.  I think.
I will need to adjust my attitude ever again and maybe instead of thinking about the rain itself I should perhaps prep for it instead.  Not much else I can do except grab an extra towel and maybe find a way to waterproof the sensor on my shoe.  Oh gosh, is that thunder or just a car engine rumble?
I'll let you know later how this goes...
TT (6:37am Saturday morning)
Did I say rain?  What rain?  There was no rain.  It might have been damp at my house early this morning but it had no affect on where I was going or what I was doing.  It stayed an overcast, very pleasant 70 degrees the entire time I was out.  I had an absolutely wonderful run.  I need to check my recent freak outs at the door because I am proving over and again that I am causing my own possibly worst case scenarios for no apparent reasons.  Luckily, I went ahead with plans and didn't miss out on a great 14 mile run in absolutely great conditions.  That's exactly what it turned out to be instead of the wet, rain soaked visions I was conjuring in my seemingly diminishing pea brain.
So enough of that behaviour!  Self-imposed freak outs be gone!  Things are not the negatives I keep trying to make them out to be.
Where was that coming from anyway?  Don't know...but enough, already.
TT (11:41am Saturday morning)   


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