It turned out the paperback I thought I was going to get isn't really out in paperback until July 27. I guess I didn't catch that when I was researching it on-line with all the other eBooks that are in hardback that I can get for much less than the hardback prices. I ended up with another in a series I have been reading. It isn't particularly one I really like but it will do. It is even advertised as a "between the series" book. What a lot of ways to market this stuff! I didn't bother to check where in between it should go...I'm not crazy about the main character Stephanie Plum anyway but it will do.
I also showed my eBook to the counter clerk at the coffee shop and got my free cup of coffee. I sat for about an hour there and finished the short pilot for a new show called The Glades that I downloaded for free. It was interesting reading something close to a script again but I don't think I'll be watching the show if it ever makes it to television. It sure sounds like l am reading a few things I could take or leave but taking just the same. I'll think about that later.
But I must be off now. I want to get in a run before we leave for the coast.
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