Sunday, January 30, 2011

Not all that painful

I'm having a painful morning.  There isn't any reason for it except for myself.  The weather is near perfect.  I was thinking I would actually go out and run this early morning, outside, along my well worn routes in my neighborhood.  The temperature right now is 61 degrees.  But it's wet and possibly drizzling.  So I'm reconsidering.
I think it will clear so I'm thinking I should make an early grocery store trip instead and run later.  I have a partial list together but I know I'll need to go out again since the boys and Selma are coming over this afternoon.  I don't know exactly what we are cooking so if I go now I will end up going again.
I should be getting the next chapters on my book organized but then I did a disk scan on my laptop and that held me up and then I really should go downstairs to balance out the week for Jay's business.
So I am making it painful by piling on the things I should, would, or could do and not just taking it easy and appreciating that I have all day and some things will get done and others might get done also or not.
Saying it's painful is a tad dramatic.  I should look for a different word but then maybe I should just put on my running shoes and have a quick turn-around the block.
A little drizzle never melted a runner that I know of.
So I DID go out and ran a quick turn-around the block.  It won't show on my running site since my sensor decided to stop counting miles after the first one.  I don't know what happened to it except maybe it just forgot what it was supposed to do after all my inactivity last week.  I know I did a little over three miles, outside, pushing through heavy fog, wet roads, and inclines. 
It was and is a turn-around for me.  After more than a month on the dreaded treadmill I am outside again.  I realize there may be days I go back to the gym but this early morning push got me started again and is what I needed.  I took the actual step in the right direction whether it shows on my site or not.
Now on to the chapter organizing.  I believe I have about 35 minutes to work on it right now.  I should set my timer and take another actual step.

Saturday, January 29, 2011

Small donation

I just got back from donating blood.  I got a call earlier in the week from the local blood bank saying they needed my blood type and if I would be willing to go down to their office to give some blood.  I have donated at work before and don't have a problem with needles or blood or veins.  I told them yes.
I asked for the closest location and times they were open.  She gave me an appointment and then went into an explanation about another procedure that doesn't take the blood but there are tubes that recycles it back to you but takes red blood or something or other.  I wasn't getting the drift of the entire procedure but I'm not squeamish and I told her that would be fine.
She went on to say for that procedure (whatever it was - I don't know) there was a requirement.  Oh, okay...what is it?
You have to be 5'5" and at least 150 lbs.
I had to laugh.  I told her I couldn't do it.  I didn't think I could put on that much weight in less than a week.  I didn't reach 150 when I was pregnant (yes, that was many years ago).  And then I would have to wear some killer platform shoes to get to that height.  I am not even considered a jumbo prawn...or much more than a cocktail shrimp...or maybe a popcorn shrimp, lightly breaded.
She assured me the regular blood donation would be fine and now I've just gotten back from the appointment.  I was able to pass the iron level requirement (it's 38 and I had a 39)! and it went very smoothly.  I was told no heavy lifting and no strenuous exertion, caffeine and alcohol should be avoided and to ease out of the chair slowly, no jumping.
I had to ask her to verify that.  "No jumping?"  She laughed at me but I thought...did I look like I was going to jump out of the chair?  Or was it that it was a big chair and she knew my feet didn't reach the floor (told 'ya I was a shrimp).  So I did what she said for at least as long as she could see me.
I'm back home now and finally having my first cup of coffee.  I guess I'll take it easy for a minute or two to see how I feel.  Then it's the rest of my Saturday.
Don't worry - I won't overdo the coffee. 

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Trading e-mails

I am currently traded e-mails with nike+.  I received this notification in my inbox and my running site stating; "Your "RETO INICIAL" challenge ends in 7 days on 2/2/2011".
Huh?  I wasn't confused by getting a reminder about a challenge coming to an end.  I've had those many times before.  I also get notifications when a challenge is about to start.  The difference is that it is always on challenges I have actually joined.
I have no clue about this particular challenge.  How did I get linked up to get a notification about a challenge I know nothing about?  I never joined or even saw this challenge before.  This doesn't belong to me and yet it came to my inbox and it's on my nike+ site.
So I sent a note to their customer support saying, Huh?  Well, not that exact word.  That might have made me sound like a runner that had just face planted themself (which I have almost done and that was pretty much what I said).  No, so I sent a note saying, Huh?, I explained I got a notification that didn't belong to me and they sent a very nice note back asking me for more info.
I gave them the info just this morning so I will have to wait and see if they have any resolution to this mystery.
And I had just cleared out my site of all extraneous nonsense.  I cleared it out and got it all nice and neat and cleaned up.  It was all organized and orderly.  Then I immediately stopped running.  Haven't had a run since.  It almost sounds like I'm proud of it but I'm not.  Really I'm not.  But it's the truth and I don't even have a good excuse.  I could reel off a bunch of really piss-poor ones 'cuz that's all I've got.
I guess I could add one more...I'm currently trading e-mails with nike about my site.  Yeah, pretty piss-poor, I know.

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

White lined pages

I have a few index card strewn across my desk.  I have a 1/2" three ring binder open where I have handwritten notes in pencil across white lined pages.
I was going over where I had mapped out ideas and story lines and chapter synopsis when I realized something I thought I would cover in chapter two never happened yet.  I saw where I notated to move it to chapter three then chapter four but I don't think I've written it in yet.
That's the problem.  I don't think I have and I should.  It's not big, huge, but it needs to go in and soon.
So I am happy with my book progress but I am re-grouping again.  Hopefully, quickly.
I am going to scan read through from the beginning to jot down on a fresh, clean, white lined piece of paper what I have actually covered in each chapter so far. 
I don't want to hear it, I will not listen, so sorry no.  I can faintly hear traces of what everyone kept saying before...don't go back to read, just keep going, just keep writing.  No.
I am beginning to have that feeling of the story getting away from me.  I know I will write a character into a dead end.  Then I will have to pull a rabbit out of a hat to fix it and as entertaining as that might be it will have nothing to do with the story and the character will still be at a dead end.  So no.  I am doing this my way this time.  I am making my own rules and it's okay! 
It is okay. 
It worked when I originally spread out all my notes and played them like solitaire on my bedspread.  It helped me come up with a stronger idea and threads within the story.  I got more accomplished since the first week in January than I had in months last year.  I have been excited and losing moments caught up in my writing. I left a cup of coffee go cold I was so busy into it!  That has to speak for something.
I wish I could keep going from where I am but I just can't seem to play nice about this.  My way this time.  I need to put that tiny piece in that isn't there and I need to know exactly where my characters have taken me.  I know they will give me more ideas that aren't scribbled in pencil in my own handwriting on white lined pages.  So I need to go back and mark them down as I go.
And I will.

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Dead king

It was after a busy Monday at work.  I came straight home and tried not to feel too guilty about not going to the gym.  It was Jay's day off so he had already started dinner and I plopped down at the kitchen table not even changing out of my work clothes.  He took one look at me, opened a beer and handed it to me.
I took it but thought...oh, great.  No workout, now a beer.  I am sliding downhill fast and it's only the beginning of the week.
I don't normally drink during the week, I don't normally miss a planned work out day.  Well, maybe I do both occasionally but I always give myself an ample amount of brain lashing when I do.  I was voicing this very thing out loud...I should have gone to the gym, I shouldn't be drinking this beer...I know it's not that big...
"Stop," said Jay.
"I'm only saying..."
"Don't speak.  Stop speaking."
There is nothing like being stopped mid-sentence.  Granted, I understand the reasons for being stopped.  It isn't as if I haven't voiced these guilt-laden concerns of mine before.  But still.
I attempted to explain, "I was only going to say..."
"No more."  Jay was grinning.  I knew he was just trying to push but also trying to joke about it too.  Okay, alright, I thought...
I said, "Hey, you're not the boss of me."
"Hey, you're not the boss of me," he mimicked.
Okay, I needed another one so I said..."Who died and made you king?"
Jay stopped and asked, "How does that happen."
I explained matter-of-factly, "Someone has to die."
"Who.  Who has to die."
"The former king."
He waited just a minute.  What was I reading in his eyes?  Triumph?  Then he said, "Then we all know who died."
I stopped.  I took it in, who died and made you...and then I laughed.  I laughed out loud and hard.  Then he started laughing.  I don't even know what prompted us to laugh so hard.  It was totally ridiculous.  I can't even blame the beer because I only had a total of two-three sips.
Jay scored on that one for sure.  He stopped me from speaking.  He got me to laughing...then he called Dante to tell him to come pick up the cake I baked yesterday.
Hey wait.  Is this another tactic so he doesn't have to hear me talk?  Is it so he can avoid hearing how I shouldn't be eating so much cake tomorrow.  Is he helping me or saving himself?  Hmmm.
I guess I can't blame him.  And, now that I think about it, that saying does seem a little obvious.  Who else would had to have died for someone else to become king but the king? 
Oh, enough with the dead kings already.

Monday, January 24, 2011


I believe I drank way too much coffee yesterday.  The problem was I didn't realize it until late in the afternoon when I was having a cup of hot tea to try to get myself to relax. 
The morning started out with me waking and pondering run routes in my neighborhood.  I knew it was way too cold for me to get up and have a run outdoors but it didn't stop me from plotting routes.  I kept thinking that if I ran down the main street until I ran out of sidewalk that it is 2 1/2 miles.  I can't go on from there because the shoulder on that connecting road is too narrow and there would be too much traffic at that hour so if I turned back at the end of the sidewalk that would be 5 miles.  Then if I went one more block and turned right I could get another mile stretch in and then turn up my connecting street for another mile...
It went like that.  I was already moving without actually getting up yet knowing it was too cold for me attempt it outside.  So I got up and made a pot of coffee.  And then I proceeded to drink it.  All.
I went upstairs and started writing.  Not here.  Not on this blog.  The other project.  The story, the book, the novel.  The frilly, little cast of characters I have moving around in my head when I'm not plotting routes to run in my neighborhood.  I lost track of more time doing this again but I am finding that it doesn't feel bad.  It has felt really good and exciting.  It's sort of like when I first started having some really good long runs.  
But then I did pull away, got to a stopping point (not really...wanted to go on but I stopped) and did other things.  And more other things.  It was one of those days I would do something and then see something else to do so I would do that.  Then do something else.  And it kept on even though I knew I should stop or slow down.  So late in the afternoon I made some hot tea.  Calming tea.  You know the kind that has even more caffeine than coffee! 
Half way through my cup of tea is when I realized I needed to dump it.  It was late Sunday afternoon so why not...I grabbed a beer.  And then I thought of another thing that might work to keep me still.  I polished my fingernails.  You see, you can't do anything when your fingernails are wet.  You have to be still and not smudge them or you have to take if off and start over.  And then I needed a few coats so there is more drying time involved, which means more time to keep still.  So I sat, drank a beer, and polished my fingernails.  Did you know that was the antedote for too much caffeine?  It seemed to work for me.
Or did it?


Then I baked a cake.

Sunday, January 23, 2011


I admit I am only here to avoid work.  I know.  It's a Sunday morning but I really should be doing this bank statement that I have been putting off since the end of the year - last year.  I have more work cut out for me.  This is just another attempt for me to put if off for a brief few more minutes.
I can't avoid it any longer.  I have it all ready to start and I figured since I was waiting on a load of towels to dry I came upstairs to use my own desk and laptop instead of the PC downstairs that holds all of Jay's business data.  That is when I decided I would spend a few moments here to avoid the real work.  Then I will probably fold the towels and put it off a little longer.
Ahh.  No.  I know I have to get it done.  It isn't even really the bank statement that is the problem but all the closing out of Jay's books that I am avoiding.  It's all that end of year so we can do taxes work that I am avoiding.  It means I take on this part-time job of bookkeping while doing all my other stuff I keep juggling to find time for. 
And I have been doing so well on all my other juggling!  I mean I am already through Chapter 4 and I have fixed and organized and added a total of 3891 words to what I already had for those chapters.  I had to stop myself again yesterday when I realized it was 7:30pm and I didn't want to stop!  So then I hit it again this morning and, and, I, well...I have to stop again.  I have a bank statement that needs attention.
Oh, wait.  The dryer just stopped.  I think I will fold the towels first.

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Stat time

It's running stat time!  Aren't you thrilled?  Geez, gosh darn, look down, shake your head, stomp your foot, isn't that just plain exciting!  Yeah, I am really sure.  Just what you were hoping to hear.
I went through and checked my running site and knew I needed to spend some time checking what was happening there so I could clean it out.  It was taking on the packed, cluttered look of a closet full of clothes I'll never wear again.  Time to pull things out to separate what needs to go and what will serve me best to keep.
I realized I had 5 notifications on my running site.  That's a lot of notifications for a site that isn't a social network.  Oh, yeah - I also got an e-mail from my social network saying it had been an excessively long time since I logged in and I should check it out.  Pffftt!  Why?  I hit delete.
The first of my 5 running notifications was from nike+.  It was telling me I hit over 700 miles since I started using my sensor 3/11/10.  Wow...that's a nice one.  That's the kind of notification I don't mind getting.  Two other notifications were friend invites and two others were invitations to join two other challenges.  I've kept all five notifications sitting there, in my closet so to speak, as if I wasn't sure what to do with them.  I needed time to decide.  Waiting proved the right thing for me to do because now I have gone in and cleaned it out.
I had to remind myself why I found this site so beneficial.  It is an easy way for me to track my running progress.  It is a simple way to have a running log that will store my runs, miles, time, calories in a way I can go back and filter into days, weeks, months, years.  Being able to see my progress helps motivate me.  But somehow I had accumluated too much extra stuff on my site.  I don't need to see stats from running strangers or be invited to challenges.  I needed to clean out and pair down so I can use the tools from the site to my best benefit and not have all the clutter and distraction.
I dismissed all the invites.  I withdrew from all challenges that I didn't care to participate in.  I removed all friends except people I really know (like Selma).  I did stay in the challenges that were individual and had a goal at the end, like the month of January challenge to run so many miles.  Currently I am sandwiched between VCrusier1 and RunningClaire.  I don't know them.  I don't know how many miles they average except that they are both in the blue color level like me.  They are nothing more than runners I will pass or who will pass me as we progress through this virtual challenge though the end of the month.  There, I feel better now.
So now, here are the stats as of this morning:
709.81 miles since 3/11/10
648.97 miles in 2010
60.84 miles in January 2011 (so far)
6.43 miles left in a goal I set (ends today)!
2 challenges
0 notifications
Oh...and I have 269.99 miles on my current running shoes.  Drat!  Too soon to buy a new pair.  Ah!  but some new workout clothes would be in order.  I mean, really.  I have all this extra room in my closet now.

Friday, January 21, 2011

10 left

I was sitting alone during lunch in the café.  I had finished my lunch and pushed the tray away to comfortably sit and read.  I had already pulled out my Nook and was engrossed in the last portion of the book I was reading.  I knew the night before I was coming to the end of the book and I might have been reading faster than usual given the solitude and quiet around me.
And then it ended.  I finished the book.  I had thought there were more pages since the indicator displayed 302 pages and I was only on page 291.  I looked up at the clock and I still had 10 minutes left for lunch.
I had been counting on those additional pages to fill the 10 minutes.  Now what?  I certainly didn't want to go back to my desk early.  Why?  Work can wait the 10 minutes that are mine.  It will still be there, it always is.  So now what?
I knew I should have downloaded two books instead of the one I was reading.  There were more than a few in my wish list that would have been easy enough to have already in my library and waiting.  I couldn't do it now since I was without my wi-fi.  Oh, bother.
So I started turning pages on the finished book.  What was on the additional pages from 291 - 302?  It turned out to be an interview with the author.  Interesting.  Questions about writing the book.
It turned out to be a good use of 10 minutes.  The author when asked about her writing process admitted it probably looked crazy from the outside.  Her answer was everywhere about how now she writes in the afternoon, but sometimes in the morning or evening.  A backstory would seem easier to write since it is something that already happened instead of writing in the present when things might take a different turn and how often she didn't feel like writing.
They way she answered the questions led me back to reinforce the index card I made for myself that is beside my laptop.  I am always feeling a little crazy and thinking my process is questionable.  What I wrote to myself on that always visible index card was...It's okay.  I make my own rules!
When it comes to writing I am realizing that it isn't about following the rules.  There are so many other things that need to be paid attention to. 
Like I said, it turned out to be a good use of 10 minutes.

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Bad hair

"What did you mean when you said my hair looked like Pee Wee Herman's last night?" 
Jay paused on the other end of the phone and finally said, "you're thinking about this way too much.  It was a joke, let it go."

I was coming off two consecutive bad hair days.  It wasn't god-awful hair days but they weren't good or even fair hair days.  It was somewhere just not quite good enough to be passable hair days.  It probably wasn't as inadequate as I thought to others, but what does it matter what others think if it was bothering me?  It really wasn't so much a case of vanity as it was a failure on my part to come up to my own personal expectations.  I admit when it comes to the external I have some fairly high expectations. But they are my own expectations and to me it translates into so much more than looking good.  It is a matter of how the external affects the internal.  You have to admit that when you dress well you feel better about yourself.  When my appearance is well put together I feel more positive and have more confidence.  (See what happens the other way around with post Wore what? - which by-the-way - Jay thought sounded like something from a neurotic Woody Allen movie).
So last night I was correcting the bad hair when Jay came home.  I was in my usual spot on the bedroom floor.  I had the full length mirror propped in front of me leaning against the dresser.  The television was on only to distract me from the length of time it would take me to iron out the erratically curly tendrils to a straight sophisticated glossy mane. I had all but a small section of hair pulled back tightly and pinned up with numerous clips in the back.  That is when Jay walked in and greeted me.  "Wow, you look like Pee Wee Herman."
Pee Wee Herman!  Pee Wee Herman!  What did his hair look like?!  It was just was just an old fashioned little boy haircut, wasn't it?  So I look like that?  Why?  Because, because it's all pulled back and looks awful.  I know!  I'm trying to fix it.  Do I need this now after two bad hair days?!  Do I, really?
Oh course, Jay didn't think or know I had two bad hair days.  He was just as he said, making a joke.
Humpt!  I suppose. I guess.  Right.  Sure.  Okay.
So he made an exit and left me alone to fix my hair.  Smart guy.  He did mention later how good it looked.
It didn't stop me from asking about it again the next morning.
Pee Wee Herman.  Really.

And then

I got an email this afternoon.  It asked simply, "No more blogging?"
I didn't think anyone would notice but when I put that in my reply I got a response..."I did."
I have not posted in a few days and yes, I honestly didn't think anyone would notice.  It was nice that someone did and even nicer that they asked me about it.  It was very nice. 
There has been a little struggle with the posts lately.  I was feeling they were becoming less than inspired and was feeling they were becoming more quantity than quality.  Does it really matter if I post daily if they are all boring?  So I took time to not post...on purpose.  Or because I wasn't coming up with anything I even thought was interesting enough to write about.  I mean, really now, how many times do you want to hear me complain about the weather and how miserably cold (cold, cold, cold - I skipped a run today because of the plummeting temperatures) again.  Or how many times do you want to hear about a run?  Bad, good, in-between - I think it can get old if that's all there is to hear.  And I seem to dwell, don't you think?
I did.  I sure did or I wouldn't have thought I needed to stop and re-group.  So now I've gone and posted again.  I'm still not sure I've given enough thought and time to this re-grouping idea.  I probably should think about it some more but then there is a good chance I won't come up with anything better.  Then what will happen?

No dreaming

I wonder why it is I don't seem to dream when I sleep anymore?  Or do I actually dream but wake up and don't remember a thing so it's like I haven't dreamed at all.  I don't know what the difference could be because the end result is that I haven't had a dream.  Nothing is there.  No wispy remnants of tales odd and unsolved or scary visions that will keep me up hoping when I fall back asleep they won't follow me.
It has been a very long time since I can remember having a dream. Very long translates into years for me.  It's been that long.  I wonder if I have just gotten very good at not recalling them.  But then there isn't even the slightest evidence that it might have occurred when I wake which makes me think it isn't happening.
I don't know why that is.  I'm not even sure why it crossed my mind. 
I have had some scary things follow me during the day and there have been some odd and unsolved occurances that I remember if I think through my regular days.
Oh...maybe I am filling my quota while I'm awake.

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Rainy day

I managed to start out the day getting a lot of things accomplished.  I got up and had coffee.  I was able to work through my entire chapter one and was feeling very excited.  About the time I finished that I decided it was a little past the time I had planned to head to the gym so I shut down and headed out.  I was able to get in a run and came home to shower and throw a load of clothes into the washer.  I got breakfast cooked up and afterward got the dishes all cleaned.  I pulled out the book I was reading and finished it.
Going back over the morning it seems like a lot of things to get done before noon.  But somehow I got stuck there for a while.  Maybe it was too many things too quickly because I started to slow way down.
I think the continuing rain from yesterday into today might be playing a part in that.  It's one of those afternoons where it's so much nicer to just hang around the house and know I still have another free day tomorrow.
So since I still have part of the afternoon and this evening I believe I will be venturing into the work I need to start on my chapter two.  I'm grinning as I think about starting it. 
But that's all I'm saying on it for now.  This is my year to commit to the work, so I think now would be a good time to keep at it.

Saturday, January 15, 2011

Wore what?

I will fess up now and get it over with.  I did an unthinkable thing.  I did something I never do and although I may have been almost, and I say almost truthfully, on the borders of having committed this offense in the recent past I have not actually done it until today.  I will admit to getting slightly, just slightly, under my personal guideline when it comes to this but not so much that it could be considered a real offense.  Today I did it.  I committed the absolute offense.  I am mortified with myself.
I went into a retail store in my gym clothes.
There it is.  I don't know what possessed me.  I don't know how I rationalized with myself that this would be okay.  I was on the way to the gym and I figured I could stop quickly, be in and out, and would have the item when I went home. Then I could save that time and get my other errands done after I showered and changed.  I am such a fool.  I cannot believe I talked myself into it. 
The minute I stepped out of the car and into the parking lot of the store I had this sinking feeling.  Instead of using my head and getting back into the car I continued to walk through the automatic doors of the store and entered.  I thought if I went directly to what I needed I could save face by making my purchase, quickly fast-step it back to my car and head to the gym.  No one would be the wiser.
That didn't happen.  Of course it didn't happen.  You don't glide through the doors of any store in these poor retail times without someone greeting you.  And I was greeted.  And I wanted to use my cloaking device but it isn't installed in gym clothes!  That is why I'm not supposed to wear them anywhere except the gym!
What was I thinking.  Now I not only had a sinking feeling but I had to mask the look of utter guilt that spread across my face and pretend I was fine and say hello.  So I think I managed to bring the ends of my lips up, said hello quickly, and kept going using my large bag to...what?  It wasn't that large.  It couldn't camouflage the fact that I wasn't dressed  for anything other than going to the gym!  So I zero'd in, picked up what I needed, and made it through the check-out without any delay or anyone behind me.  Whew!  Then I was out the door and racing to my car.  I clicked the lock, pulled the door open and threw myself into the drivers seat.  Whew!  I sat a moment and pondered the mistake I had made.  It just wasn't worth the scant amount of time I might have saved.  What a terrible chance I had taken.  I know better.  I could have bumped into...I could have met...I could have seen someone...gads...was I lucky.  Never again.
The good part of the story is that I burned off all that mortification with a good run afterward at the gym where I was surrounded with like dressed people.  And now that I'm all cleaned up and dressed properly, I am thinking of making a visit to another retail store to buy some newer, proper clothing.  I mean, I need to put this traumatic experience behind me, right?  What better way to correct this experience than to make sure I have the necessary supplies so it never happens again.
Long runs and retail therapy.  Why not?  I already fessed up.  I'm already pressed, dressed, and ready for any greeter that comes along.
I wish I didn't always have to learn my lessons the hard way.

Friday, January 14, 2011

No plans

Here it is a Friday after a long week and I realized (ding!) that it will be a three-day weekend.  Somehow that puts a spring into my step.  Okay, well, maybe not springing steps but when I had forgotten about the fact that I will get an extra day off and now am just realizing it can certainly help turn the attitude just a smidgen toward the positive.  But just a smidgen.  I am controlling that barometer of mine to keep a more steady line and not spike and fall as much.  I mean, come on, let's not get carried away.
But ahh, yes.  I can use an extra day about now.  Couldn't everyone? 
I am already thinking about things to do.  It isn't like I have an big list of things but the ideas can float through my head and whether or not any of them actually materialize will be up to me.  It's wonderful when you have the time and choice to do that.  It doesn't get enough good press.  I mean the fact that I don't have plans but could make them or not as I choose sounds perfect to me.  I know of others that can almost panic when every minute isn't structured into some planned and scheduled activity.  It reminds me of being asked at the end of the week, "big plans for the weekend?"  I will usually stare blankly and have to admit, "no," like I'm inferior since I don't have my dance card filled.  Luckily, it never really made a never-mind to me.  I actually would enjoy watching the expressions that would cross their faces as they tried to come up with the next thing to say.  I think I stumped more than a few questioners.  It certainly would start my weekend right.  Then I would grin and leave them to figure it out for themselves.
So big plans for the three day weekend?  "no."  I only just got the gift of remembering I had one!

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Don't shoot

I skipped the gym yesterday even though I felt like a run.  I had worked out five days in a row and one of the training hints that any good coach will drill into your head is that a rest day is as important as a workout day.  You need to take them and it will prevent injury and give muscles a chance to repair.  So I didn't run yesterday even though I was ready and willing and felt really good.
Then today comes along and I skipped the gym because I didn't feel up to running!  Somehow my timing is off and maybe, just maybe, I should have listened to my inner instinct yesterday instead of going by any good coaches hints about what is best for me.  I am trying to beat myself up about this but it will be to no avail.  I am willing to throw up my hands in surrender this time.  Hold off, don't shoot, it isn't as bad as it seems.
I guess.


I have been traveling over other blogs lately.  I haven't spent a lot of time doing that but for the minimal time I have spent on my laptop there has been a small portion of my time going to reading others peoples posts.
I don't think I have yet to figure it out.  I went to a blog of note and couldn't for the life of me figure out how or why it had over 600 followers.  It wasn't in the least bit something I would follow or even be interested in.  Maybe that person just had that many friends or had networked so well they managed to capture something I was terribly missing.  I read some others and knew I needed to stop trying to figure it out.
It was beginning to get reminiscent of the feeling I had when I was on vacation for a week and made the mistake of thinking I could spend some time watching T.V.  I ending up watching too many episodes of Hoarders: Buried Alive.  I realized I was only watching because I thought I might be able to get the beginnings of why or what makes people do that?  I was looking to understand how they could let their homes become a storage space and then when there was no longer even a path to walk, when they were literally climbing over things, they couldn't part with a single thing to make it better.  I am still confused.  Why are the possessions so important, even simple things like a receipt or an empty cellophane bag, that they have to be kept to the point of filling every space?
But then, these are things that don't really affect me directly so should I even give it another thought.  Yet I keep trying to understand.
As far as the blogs, I think I am still trying to figure it out.  I know what this one is to me but then I feel like I should be conforming to the blog norm.  If I could only figure out what that is.  Do I really think there is something that I am terribly missing?  In my own way, am I just trying to fill up the space?  Maybe, like I realized when I was watching those shows, that I should just turn off the T.V. Is there really anything I need to understand?  Maybe there isn't a comparison with other blogs that I should be trying to make.  Or is there?
It gets confusing.

Wednesday, January 12, 2011


I have been all over my running tracking site lately.  I have a sensor I wear on my running shoe that tracks my workouts.  It stores all my stats; distance, time, calories and posts them on a site specific for me.  I can go there to view what I have done like my best and longest runs.  It keeps score for me.  I can  filter it down into the year, months, weeks to see where I stand with myself and my progress.  It's another great device that is so cool.
It also lets me join challenges with the other runners that are hooked into the sensor in this virtual community.  These challenges are varied.  They can be over a long period of time...say 365 miles in 365 days for the year...or 50, 75 or 100 miles this month.  They can be individual challenges or team challenges and if I win at the end they give me a trophy that is displayed on my site.  It seems a little "gameish" for me but it can also motivate me to run.  It shows where you place with all the other runners during the challenge time frame.  For example, I am currently 118th out of 661 participants in one challenge.  The challenge might be virtual but the running is real.  The miles being posted up are true (unless someone is sharing a sensor- [cheaters!]).
The best part about the site is that it isn't equipped to handle chats, networking or any real contact with other runners.  It does have the option of the friend request.  The only thing this does is let you view what workouts this friend has posted up or comments they might have made within a challenge.  Comments (or trash talk as it is politely called) can only be posted within a challenge you have joined.  So thankfully there is no interaction between runners except what you see being posted up as far as miles or comments within a challenge.
I ran into one small problem when I found a challenge that sounded really perfect for me.  It was a month long and it was an over 50's club - and they didn't mean miles.  Perfect!  Here was a challenge that had runners in my age range.  I thought it would be a perfect motiviation for me.  I even accepted the friend request from the lady that organized the challenge when I signed up thinking I would know what other challenges there might be out there that she had signed up for that were in my age group.  I didn't realize my mistake until a few weeks into the challenge.  I believe this group are not runners.  This group, and especially my new "friend", are walkers.  But they are extreme 8-10 miles a day!  I really think they plug their sensors on and walk the malls all day!  Okay, that is probably unfair.  But it's a tough cookie to swallow when your hard earned running miles reach 50 and they are all at 95-110 miles!  So as if that isn't bad enough, my new found "friend" comments on all the 30+ challenges she has joined that I am now avoiding since I can't bear getting beaten so badly when I am running every mile and they might be - well, whatever long strolls they may be walking.  Now, my profile is filled not with motivating runs my "friends" have accomplished but a page of comments this walker keeps spewing.  She obviously was looking for a social network and is using this as her means of getting her say in.  Or maybe, in all fairness, she is just cheerleading her group on.  Whatever.  I will let the challenges I am in with this new "friend" end and then silently slip out and find other challenges on my own.
I did join another challenge I found on my own yesterday that was a team effort.  You needed to pick which team of the seven deadly sins you wanted to run on.  It wasn't surprising that Lust was in the lead, but I chose Pride instead.  I checked on it this morning and my team had jumped from third to second place behind Lust. Can you see how it can motiviate?
Oh, then I noticed I had a friend request from someone that was in this new challenge.  I am not sure about how I feel about that.  I am holding off accepting that for now.
I just want to run.

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Big talk

I am currently shaking my fist at Winter.  It is trying hard, really hard, to get to me.  I am doing my best to plow through and forge ahead.  I knew this week was going to be a tough one.  I believe the worst will be tomorrow but I am moving through it.  I am picking myself up and going on.
I have had five consecutive workout days.  I have had a total of 25 miles in those five days.  I was supposed to take today off but braved the blustery cold and made it to the gym just the same.  Oh no, don't be foolish.  There is no way I would be able to even attempt to run outdoors.  No way.  I would melt like the wicked witch of the west.  I would be a trembling, chattering, jittering mass of flesh.  So I am doing what I can and even that isn't as easy as it may sound.
During this time of year there is nothing more I want to do than stay at home.  I obviously can't stay at home when I need to make an appearance at work but otherwise I go directly home, do not pass go, do not collect $200.  And yet I have made five, count them, five consecutive workout days.  It is a very brave thing I am doing here.  No one should have to wander out in these conditions but I have been doing it.
So I shake my clenched fist at you, Winter!  You haven't been able to catch me yet.

Cheap talk

The thing most on my mind this morning is that I have little to no time.  The other is writing but I don't think I want to write about that now.  I don't think I do.  I could go into the mechanics and what I have been doing about it that doesn't present itself here but like I already said I don't think I want to talk about it.
I will say I am a little excited about it.  I have been losing a few moments of time unexpectedly while doing it.  So that already is more information than I want to say. 
Talk is way too cheap.  I talked, moaned, prattled and went on and on for a year already about it.
Not this time.

Monday, January 10, 2011


I have managed to actually watch two movies in the past two Sundays.  Let me explain that I don't watch many movies.  If I had to take a survey about the number of movies I see in a year they would have to create a new check box.  Mine would be somewhere at the top and would probably look like this:  0-3.
Okay...maybe it would be 0-5.  I might need to adjust it since I've already seen two already in two weeks.
The thing about these two movies on two Sundays is that it was the same movie.  So does that count as one movie seen twice?  No, not really.  I would have to say they were two movies.  One movie was produced recently and one was produced back in 1976.
I saw the most recent one at the movies last week with Jay.  He is a fan of westerns and there aren't many of those being made any more.  If there were I would probably have to adjust my survey meter a bit again.
So I didn't mind when he suggest last week that we go and check out the remake of this movie.  It, of course, was True Grit.  It would be easy enough to figure out if you are not like me and actually know what is showing at the movies.  I don't believe there are many other westerns...but then I don't really know, do I? 
Jay, like many others, is a great John Wayne fan.  He has probably seen all or as close to all of the movies he has made including extremely early titles that no one heard of before they marketed the poor things on DVD (or was it VHS) and made the only money they could from them there.  So he has seen quite a few John Wayne movies.  As we came out of the theatre from the remade movie I could have predicted his comment but I waited for him to say it on his own.  I didn't have to wait long.  We hadn't even gotten into the car and he already had said, "It was good...but it wasn't John Wayne."  Gads, how predictable!
And that's okay.  I actually enjoyed the movie.
Then yesterday we were able to download the John Wayne version...the original...and watch it.  The script was almost the same.  There were blocks of dialogue that matched word for word.  There were some minor differences but the remake stayed very true to the original.  The action seemed much more focused in the newer version.  It moved right along and kept the intensity.  I think in the old version I saw too many wide shots of riders on horseback with panoramic views.  In fact, at one point, Jay asked during one of these scenes in the original..."Doesn't that look kind of like the same scenery from the remake?"  My reply was, "I don't remember a whole lot of these scenes in the new movie.  I didn't know we were watching the travel channel."
So the original seemed longer since things didn't move along as well.  But both were very good.  I am not saying either/or although there were just a few differences that might be accountable to the fact that movies aren't made the same way as they were before.  Times and the way we do things change.
My take is that the main character is Rooster Cogburn.  John Wayne played Rooster as John Wayne.  Jeff Bridges played Rooster as Rooster.  I preferred Bridges.  Hands down not a second thought about it.  He was a dirty, drunken, trigger happy, rough old guy.  He was Rooster Cogburn.
So, it was a good two movies.  And who would I have preferred to go on this rough, tough, dirty hunt with?  Jeff Bridges any he cleans up real good.

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Selfish habit

It is still dark outside on this early Sunday morning and I didn't make much coffee.  I have the last of all my laundry tumbling noisily in the dryer and I am working with only the beam of my desk lamp spotlighting my laptop screen.  It's a neat way to start up the day.
I will probably want more coffee but it was intentional that I didn't make an overly amount this morning.  I am planning on getting myself to the gym nice and early and the lack of coffee will help push me out the door once there is some light outside.
I know you don't really need a run down of what is going on with me but it isn't really about me spilling everything that comes along in my day to day.  I have really become very selfish about this space right here.  This blog and these posts.  It isn't about giving anybody a run down of me or anything else, but it is a way for me to puts words into sentences.  I am thinking only of myself when I sit here and try to smudge the page with a recollection or description of something that might have happened.  I can't always come up with interesting topics so sometimes I rely on everyday instances.  Like how this room is still and dark except for a single light and the only sound in the house is the tumbling of clothes in a dryer.
I wonder if you can picture it the way I am experiencing it here, right now.  I keep practicing by bringing up these images and smudging the page about nothing in particular.
Such a selfish habit.

Saturday, January 8, 2011

Race day

I ran a 10K this morning.
I had found a race over a year ago when I was searching distance runs online.  I search quite a few races online but this one caught my interest.  That year I had just missed it by a few weeks but the distance and the location really pulled me in. It was in January and I would need to drive 5 hours south to get there but that meant it would be warmer.  That was a big plus in its favor.  Then the race didn't actually start until an unusually late 10:00am.  Most races start much earlier in the mornings.  That late start meant that the temperatures would have a chance to get even higher.  That was another big bonus.  I am all for warmer temperatures.  The best part was that I wouldn't be in unfamiliar territory.  In fact, I am so familiar with this area that I knew exactly where the starting line was and I knew exactly where we would finish.  It only made me want to participate even more when the run would actually take us over water.  Now, come on, how much more could I ask for to make it a better run?  I knew I would need to keep it in mind for the next time around.
So I would check and search for it every so often.  It took a while before the new date was finally posted but once I knew when it was I wrote it down and kept my eye on it.  I would go back and check every so often to see if the site had any other updates.  I didn't really need to check since I was already pretty informed about what would take place.  I only needed to make arrangements.  I thought about taking a Friday off to drive and pick up my packet.  I would then have to stay overnight and then either drive back after the race or stay another day.  I hadn't worked it all out.
As the date got closer I was realizing the timing of traveling to this race might not work.  I tried to figure out how it could be done but kept running into one reason or another why it wasn't working out so well.  It was one of those times where it just wasn't as convenient to get everything properly lined up.
The race was today at 10:00am.  I didn't go and I missed it.
But I did go to the gym today and purposely ran a 10K at about the same time this run was taking place.  I didn't have a race bib and I wasn't lined up with hundreds of other runners but I was thinking about the starting line and moving over that water as I ran.  I wasn't flanked by other participants but I was lined up with other runners on either side of me.  I had a rough time at mile 3.25 but kept pushing through knowing I was half way there.  It could have been that same way if I was running 5 driving hours away instead of at the gym on a treadmill.
So I didn't run the actual race but I did run a 10K today.  I could be feeling really bad about missing it but I don't.  I feel really good about today.

Friday, January 7, 2011

Free Friday

I just need a moment here.  Just as I powered up my laptop I realized it's Free Friday so had to run downstairs to gather up my Nook.  You might not know about Free Friday but I discovered an icon on my device called The Daily.  Now this is where they will post updates to the device but I discovered early on that they will also present a book to download for free or sometimes for a nominal amount, say $1.99, on Fridays.  I have downloaded 7 freebies so far.  They usually offer me detective novels since I read a score of those.  Their marketing department must think it is working well since I discovered Dennis Lehane from a Free Friday download.  I've since bought four additional of his novels and will probably purchase the next one in the series soon.
So here...let me's not only Free Friday but it says:  Extra Special Free Fridays Bonus.  Give me a moment to see what that is about.
Oh...not such an extra special bonus for me.  It seems today they are offering Kaplan Publishing books which are 130 textbooks and PSAT, SAT, GMAT prep books for free.  Ah well, I am in the middle of another novel right now anyway and still have last Fridays free book still waiting for me.  It's the first in the series of another detective novel, this one by the name of Kendall O'Dell, written by Sylvia Nobel.  Nope.  Never read any of her books before but then I'll give most anything a try and it was free.  Almost like a friend leaving me a book on my desk to read.  Well, not quite.  I can't get together and talk about it when I return it, since I don't return it to anyone and it stays in my library until I archive it.  But it's a great way to find new books.  I don't download all that are free but I have read some authors I might not have picked up on my own.  And well, so, I didn't luck out this Friday but no matter. 
This device is just the coolest. 

For fun

Okay, quick.  Think of something, funny, easy, witty, and light to talk about.  I have to admit that has been in my thoughts lately.  It's been in my thoughts but somehow I can't seem to come up with the funny, easy, witty and light topic to talk about.  It's there somewhere.  I know it is but it hasn't been able to surface for some reason and I might be at the point when I am trying too hard and it won't happen.
I can't make a topic with those four things by bulldozing over them.  I can't force light and easy.  It becomes pissed and pushed.  Like, "hey stop...what did we do to you?!?"  That's not exactly what I am going for.  I think funny and witty almost have to be spontaneous if it's going to be real enough to translate.  If I try to coerce something into being funny and witty I end up with blank stares and raised eyebrows.  Like, "oh (titter, hehe) cute."
And yet I keep trying.  I will leave the spot here for all the sentences I deleted....(Place excuses here ___________________________________________________________________).

And yet I keep trying and eventually it will come to me when I least expect it.  I just have to stay on the look-out for the misplaced salt shaker or the unusual parking or the just slightly askewed something that briefly catches my eye and puts a grin on my face.
I'll keep watching for those types of funny, easy, witty, and light things today.  You might try it, too.  Just for fun.


Thursday, January 6, 2011

I know

I can tell you right away that I didn't make it to the gym this afternoon.  I know.  Not an interesting topic.  I could go on to say that it was because I never fully felt warmed up all day long.  It probably wasn't a wise decision for someone who is as much a cold-weather wuss as me to have worn a dress on the coldest day of the year to date.  Okay, I know it's only the sixth day of the year but it was still the coldest day and I stayed cold the entire time.  I know.  Not an interesting topic.
This is what happens when I let myself become too cold.  I can't help it.  The brain freezes in place and unless I do something to warm it up thoroughly, and I do mean thoroughly, I might as well shut down, climb under the covers and make sure the charge on my nook has been taken care of because it's going to be a long night.
Winter, what a pesk.

Good run

No.  No, Once upon a time today.  Almost.  I thought about it and even scribbled a bit on it but no.  Aren't you glad?
I got myself to the gym yesterday afternoon and was able to get in a good five miles.  I would have been happy with three or four but five was an added bonus.  I had skipped the day before from having worked later than usual and felt tired.  It was also darkly cloudy and had been threatening rain most of the day.  Of course that made it feel colder than the true temperature and I let the combination seep it's way through me the way it can.  Always in a bad way.
I had run Monday but it was a split workout.  I had gotten 3/4 of a mile into a run on the treadmill when my cell rang.  It was a pleasant call from Sonny and after explaining no, I had not bought a treadmill.  Yes, I was at the gym and using theirs...we hung up and I finished off another 2.25 miles.
So I'm working at it.  I was glad to see I had gotten in five miles yesterday.  There is a race I had considered traveling to on Saturday but I was nixed on that one. It was too far away and too soon after holidays...lots of good reasons.  The thought that kept going through my head was if I could still run the 6.2 miles of that race after all my lagging and lazy off times. Yesterday kind of reinforced that I could.
So hopefully, it will be the gym again today even if it's three or four miles.  I am already looking forward to it.
Yes, I am.

Wednesday, January 5, 2011


Once upon a time there was a...
No wait.  That was yesterday right?  I don't think I have time this early morning before work to get an entire fairy tale conceived, written and edited.  I might try writing a fairy tale some time.  It might be a good exercise.  I mean, it already has some sort of formula so the outline is already written but no.  Not today or even soon, maybe.  I'll put it into that folder of ideas I'm supposed to be keeping somewhere for a later date.
Today, I am working through the first week back to everyday routines.  It's mid-way through and if I am fair about it I would have to say I am doing well.
I have kept focused on the amount of work and even kept my cool when the overload started pouring in.  Although I haven't put in many running miles this week I have put in some and it's only mid-week so I need to focus on doing a few more.  I have made some progress with my writing even if it isn't visual to anyone.  I have tightened up some ideas that seemed loose to me before and I am at the point to begin again.
I have positives to work from and will keep at it.
So once upon a time there was an ordinary woman that was mid-week into what had always been a total drudge of a routine.  She was overworked and given assignments that were seemingly impossible to accomplish.  Not only did she have to deal with these assignments but was interrupted continually with minor issues that took up extra time and distracted her from her priorities.  She could easily be dragged into the negativity that seemed to surround her. 
She wished for the time she could leave this place and find her favorite escape.  She longed for a run with the weather bright and warm.  She hadn't been consistent and had been lacking in even getting herself to do this simple pleasure for herself.  She would think of how many times she had talked herself out of going and now she had less than a few short miles to show for the week.  She started to reprimand herself about that fact that she should have used the time not running to at least write some words.  It was something she told herself she was determined to do and yet even with extra time borrowed from another activity she hadn't taken advantage of it.  Poor, miserable ordinary woman...
It could have gone like that it hasn't, not for a moment.  I hadn't even thought about it like that. 
Careful, fairy tales can be grim.

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Tell me a story

Remember when every story started with Once upon a time...
There was usually a beautiful princess that had been stripped of her position and forced to stay in a tower or scrub and serve greedy step-mothers.  There was a prince that had everything but always bored and dissatified with his shallow life and had nothing that gave it real meaning.  They would go about their separate lives day to day hoping for something better but not doing a whole lot else except what they would normally do.  They would continue to scrub floors or gaze out on a kingdom from a throne.
It was a good thing they had some creative story writers to get these well meaning but purposeless (albeit beautiful) people into motion.  There would be a jealous woman that wanted to make sure the princess never got her position back.  Her deeds would force the story to take a different path which was more interesting and conjure fire breathing dragons and crumbling castles which held keys to solving the riddles of happiness.  It would force the prince off his throne and take the princess from her clean floors and force them both into a different action.  Then after all was conquered, the jealous woman gone, and the dragons and castles now transformed into a shiny and sparkling piece of real estate the prince and princess would be forever united and race toward their Happily ever after...
I wonder sometimes if people don't realize they are their own storytellers for their own lives.  What if the beautiful people didn't wait around for others' deeds to force them into taking action but made their own choices?  What is the princess said she wasn't going to scrub any more floors at home?  What if she initiated that action?  What if she went out and took a position in a hotel instead?  She might have to work for it but she would be opening the door to other opportunities and wouldn't be held hostage to the greedy step-mother.  She might be able to own that hotel one day.  What if the prince stopped waiting for someone to entertain him but thought about what he could do with his many resources?  His first attempts might still bore him but there would be a greater chance it would lead him to something that would finally get his interest if he made the effort.
They would be making their own choices and feeling better about themselves in the process.  Then I bet that prince would meet a princess when he was stopping out at a local hotel which might just lead to a more realistic ending... 
I sometimes wonder how much conjuring we could do for themselves if we only tried to make our own stories more interesting for ourselves instead of waiting for a fantasy to unfold.   

Monday, January 3, 2011

Amp it

I am beginning this first week of the newest year by sitting here with my regular routine before work.  There is a difference today in that I have my newest powersong CRANKED!  Good thing I am upstairs but I still might be disturbing this early thick silence by not only piercing it but by completely shattering it.  Shards flying everywhere.  Run for cover, shield your faces, someone might get hurt.
I would say sorry but 'ya know...not.
I take a lot of simple pleasures from small things and finding this song is one of those things.  What better way to start a cloudy, cold morning back to the grinding standard than to shake up the old with a lashing of driven power contained within the body of notes, instruments and vocals!  Ahhh, wow.  Take me there.  Amp it.  Fill that shot glass to the brim and down it fast.  Feel the initial burn and the heat spread energizing all the way down to the tips of my fingers and toes.  Let it swell and expand and rejuvenate.
And for me it's all simply contained in a start the first week and the newest year.
If you haven't already, I hope you find your powersong soon.  I've already got my cranked.  Boom-lay, boom-lay, boom!

Sunday, January 2, 2011

Oh, hi

Welcome to my office.
This is what I step upstairs into each morning.  It's pretty much all mine and where I spend a good deal of time.  Sometimes it is to sit facing these two windows and gaze out the front of the house.  It is a good view of the street and since I am on the second floor I have a wider range without much movement.   
Most times I am gazing into the screen of my laptop like something interesting might happen.  That is usually when I will see something interesting outside. Something like a neighbor walking or running and I know then I have spent too much time laptop gazing and should go out and do something more productive.

This is what I see if I turn away from the window.  My worktable is an added bonus since I have space to spread stuff out.  I don't think I have been using it to it's best capacity.

I realize I need to do some housekeeping.  The camera charger and the scissors need to be stowed.  The expired desk calendar can be recycled.  Magazines.  I won't renew the subscriptions but I need to get through the ones I have and recycle those too.  I can get most of their information online, in fact, one already sends me emailed articles.

Here is where I am right now.  I don't mean to rush you off and thanks for stopping by but there is another document I want to get started working on so I hope you have a good day. 
If it warms up a bit I might be able be at a stopping point and be that neighbor running.

That way, after doing both, I will have been twice as productive.


Saturday, January 1, 2011

Not just luck

1.1.11 has arrived.  It feels good.  It feels positive.  It feels right.

We rang in the New Year with a traditional glass of champagne after waiting out the ticking of the clock toward midnight.  We did it simply.  We sat together around the kitchen table.  We listened to some music, we talked about nothing in particular, and we laughed at almost everything.  It felt good.  It felt positive.  It felt right.

We ended 2010 looking forward to 2011.   I am very much looking forward to 2011 and today it starts.  I am making my motto for this year to commit to the work.  That doesn't seem so positive at first glance.  Eugh.  Work.  No.

But yes.  Let me fill in the rest of the motto.

My motto for this year is to commit to the work in the fun things I do and I will be able to go through any finish line I wish to cross.
That's it.  It isn't just about running.  It's about any thing I really want to do.  I can say and talk about lots of things I like to do but, for me, unless I commit to work at those things I will never really take them and me where I would like to go with them.  And I feel good and positive about committing to the work that I need to do this year to take my likes further.  I think it will be fun.  I know it will be work.  I know it will be right.

But, just in case, I started out 1.1.11 with another tradition.  This one isn't so much work as it is luck but it wouldn't be a new year without it.
Lunch is served...

Happy New Year!